Category Archives: Life


Congratulations, Rook!

Baby Simon

It’s hard to believe that he’s graduating high school, isn’t it? Well, it’s true. Tonight, Rook matriculates. In addition to my little brother graduating tonight, my nephew on Ian’s side, Jeff, is graduating as well. So congrats to the both of you!

Random tidbits

I keep coming up with stuff to blog about, mostly just random day-to-day life things that I feel like mentioning, but generally by the time I get home, my brain is mush and I just want to watch the news and play PokΓ©mon until it’s time to fall asleep. I have been doing things, just not a whole lot of very interesting things in general. Just a few interesting things of note, really. Oh well, I guessed Continue reading

An exciting Friday

Yesterday was quite the adventure. I would have posted about it yesterday, but I was busy and then went to sleep early because I was pretty exhausted only to constantly wake up due to a persistent cat who kept rolling around on my arthritic legs so I couldn’t get or stay comfortable. So it’s 2:30 in the morning, and I’m posting now. πŸ™‚ Of course, being 2:30 in the morning, this post Continue reading

Spring things

Well, Spring is here, so that means enjoying the warmer weather (I hate the cold) and getting used to everything being green again (finally). I actually am not the biggest fan of Spring because the weather is inconsistent (thus my joints are consistently achy) and since the sun is just now out more, the SAD is off-kilter so I’m sporadically hyper. Regardless, I’m enjoying the sun and Continue reading

♣ Happy St. Patrick’s Day! ♣

Today is also the Republic of Ireland’s national holiday. πŸ™‚ I got a bunch of fun St. Patrick’s Day stuff from Aunt Pamela and wore some of it to work today. I had made a bunch of shamrock and four-leaf-clover pins for my co-workers so that no one had to go without green as well. I think I saw more green in the library today both on patrons and staff than ever before. Hooray! My Continue reading

Happy birthday, Tommy!

Today is Tommy’s 27th birthday! Woohoo! We texted back and forth for a while after I wished him a happy birthday, and he seemed to have a good day. He did some walking and running and ate some strawberry cake. Sounds like a good day to me, minus the running. πŸ˜‰ My poor, arthritic knees couldn’t handle that! I have been trying to get on the elliptical for a while on the days when Continue reading


I’m sure there were some things I meant to post about this week, but as usual, time has gotten away from me. I did, however, work more than usual this week getting an extra eight hours in on my usual day off. This up-coming week is my week to work the weekend, though how that is handled is a little different. Rather than work Saturday then Sunday, I work Sunday then work a Continue reading

Easily distracted

Well, while I’ve had many things to post about, I have been too distracted by the many things going on to remember to post. I actually tried to post back on Thursday, but my phone is acting up and refused to send the picture and message. I was going to send a picture of a lot of little Valentine hearts I’d crocheted and mention I had a whopping fourteen people at the crochet class Continue reading

An icy and snowy day

Well, it’s not even 6:30 in the morning right now, and I’ve been called to be informed that the Jasper Public Libraray will not be open today due to inclement weather. Rather, Elaine told me that we’re not opening because one of our administrators, who always gets there incredibly early, spent fifteen minutes just opening the door. That probably means another half hour to get the Continue reading

A new day

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who expressed their concern and well wishes to Simon yesterday. I’m sure that he appreciates it in his strange Simon way. πŸ˜‰ I spent the better part of the afternoon texting Katie, Sarah, and Tommy and talking on the phone with Mom as well as tweeting to people (tweets are the form of communication via Twitter) about everything, so my Continue reading