Spring things

Well, Spring is here, so that means enjoying the warmer weather (I hate the cold) and getting used to everything being green again (finally). I actually am not the biggest fan of Spring because the weather is inconsistent (thus my joints are consistently achy) and since the sun is just now out more, the SAD is off-kilter so I’m sporadically hyper. Regardless, I’m enjoying the sun and warmth by sitting out on the porch once again to work on the novels. It would make sense to work on Book Two again, but uh, well, seeing as how I’ve almost completely written Book Three last November during NaNoWriMo (I wonder if the library would be interested in hosting any events for that this year?), I think it would also make sense to finish it off too. I finished another chapter last night. Woo!

Other things about Spring: the cat wants out more…no, that’s not right. She always wants out. Never mind. Uh, she wants to stay out longer though. Oh, and of course, she’s shedding like crazy. I’m gonna have to vacuum the couch again soon.

Well, time for me to try and figure out the next chapter in the book. It’s a fight scene, and it’s the fact that the next several chapters of Book Three are fight scenes that has made me rather on the reluctant side to write. I don’t know much about writing fight scenes. I’m a pacifist. Guess it’s time to break out the war movies and kung fu flicks. Actually, last Friday, I watched 6 hours of PBS documentaries on Aushwitz and Aushwitz-Birkenau. Uh, my dreams were interesting that night. I think I need to find a documentary on kittens, actually. Oh! But I watched this awesome four-parter from the BBC all about the human face with John Cleese and Elizabeth Hurley. That was fascinating. Where was I going with all this? Can’t remember. Oh well, I think it’s tea time. Ta ta!

3 thoughts on “Spring things

  1. Dad

    Star Wars:

    Sounds like Star Wars. Maybe you should have started with book 4.

    Maybe you should vacuum the cat before it gets on the couch.

    Love, Dad

  2. Erando

    But our vacuum has a label that specifically states not to use on pets! :b:

    Actually, since my series is going to consist of nine books, wouldn't I have to start halfway through Book Four? Well, that's confusing. Unless it's a trilogy of trilogies, and then I'd write the middle three, then the first three, then the last three so that I can have the series, a prequel series, and then an epilogue series. Um, that's confusing too! I think I'll stick with the madness I know. 🙂

  3. auntie 502

    vacuum label:

    That sounds like the label on the lawnmower that warns not to use it to trim shrubs!! Who could pick up a running lawnmower? There's always someone out there who will try something. (I have tried to vacuum Max…he doesn't like it!) 🙂

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