Category Archives: Life


Today started out normal enough…I guess. Come to think of it, I guess it wasn’t really that normal of a morning when I got up. Ian was sleeping on the futon rather than in the bedroom, which is odd, I suppose, but not unheard of. I got up kind of late but not too late since I knew I worked at nine. Before even getting out the door though, I had the fun of cleaning up Kitty vomit from the Continue reading

Death to 2008

I meant for this post to be my New Year’s post, but well, shit happens and I’m typing it now rather than then. Too much World of Warcraft, I suppose. At any rate, the point of this post is that 2008 was a red-letter year for death. A lot of people I cared about and liked died last year, so I can’t say I’m sorry to see it go. I compiled a list of deaths that occurred throughout 2008. Continue reading

Happy birthday, Dad!

Today, Dad is another year older. 🙂 I haven’t gotten a chance to talk to him yet today because I worked today then ran around with Ian all afternoon then had my crochet class this evening. Busy day! From what Rook tells me, Dad’s busy right now at a girls’ basketball game running the concession stand. I was gonna ask him how he likes the present I made for him and to wish him a Continue reading

Some walking

I actually have another post that I want to write at some point this week, though I’m still mulling it over in my head for the time being and have decided in the interim to post random stuff about occurences in my life lately. Can’t say any of it will be interesting, but well, that’s the story of my life. I’m a pretty boring person on a day-to-day basis. Even Kitty agrees as she sleeps lazily Continue reading

Wrote out

I think NaNoWriMo took most all my words out of me. I haven’t much been in the mood to type, though I highly suspect a large portion of this hesitation is due to having picked up WoW once more with a fervor. I enjoy the new system of achievements where you do silly little things like traveling around and collecting pets and crafting pointless things. Tonight’s play will be Continue reading

Grey day for writing

It’s pretty grey and drizzly outside today which means it’s a good day for staying inside and doing something from the comfort of a warm couch with an afghan on my lap and some hot cocoa beside me. That sounds awesome, only I go in to work within the hour and won’t get home until four, so my novel writing time will just have to wait until then. I can’t say that it bothers me too Continue reading

Bunch of blurbs

Just a bunch of random things before today really gets into gear. First off, I broke 20,000 words in my novel late last night. I would have gotten there much earlier in the day but I ended up watching a couple documentaries (one on Noam Chomsky and another on Ralph Nader) while playing Animal Crossing for the better part of the evening. I needed only approximately 2,500 Continue reading

Oh so easily distracted

I got back from volunteering at the library just after five, and I had intended on jumping into working on the novel for NaNoWriMo (wrote about 1,100 words last night starting at midnight) but decided to play a little Animal Crossing while watching Alfred Hitchcock Presents and from there I was distracted by surfing the internet and playing around on Twitter and various Continue reading

Catching up

Lessee, haven’t posted in a while, or at least, I haven’t posted anything significant in a while. I woke up this morning to find eight spam messages on eight different posts, so since I was in the back-end deleting all of those, I figured that since I was back here, I’d post. I haven’t yet decided where I want to start this post concerning how far back in my week I want to cover, which is Continue reading

Goodbye, Grandma Doyle

Grandma Doyle passed away yesterday afternoon at around a quarter after four. Leslie called Ian about twenty minutes after it happened, and he came out on the porch where I was writing to tell me after getting off the phone. This was not unexpected, however. The nursing home had called Ian’s parents to tell them that she probably wasn’t going to make it much longer, and I think that Continue reading