Category Archives: Media

Random aside

Just a thought before I forget to mention it: I’m really digging You type in an artist or song and it’ll find other music in the same style and play it on-line streaming. You can even sign up for it and it’ll remember what “stations” you listen to. I’ve got one with music like Johannes Pachabel and the other is more akin to Tchaikovsky. I’ll likely make one with music like Simon Continue reading


I figure I’ll post more about the murals I’m designing/drawing/painting at the library at some point, but for now, I felt like pointing out that you can watch a lot of episodes of NOVA on Hulu. Two days ago, I watched a show on the FBI and today I watched shows on the Parthenon, Roman baths, Moai statues on the Easter islands, and ancient bridge-making in China. How cool is that? Continue reading


I’m sure there were some things I meant to post about this week, but as usual, time has gotten away from me. I did, however, work more than usual this week getting an extra eight hours in on my usual day off. This up-coming week is my week to work the weekend, though how that is handled is a little different. Rather than work Saturday then Sunday, I work Sunday then work a Continue reading