Category Archives: Library

Library volunteering

Yay! I’m going to be volunteering at the local public library soon. Today was an orientation session, and it was supposed to have four volunteers but ended up with me and another lady whose a retired elementary school teacher. We bascially went over standard library rules, regulations, and procedures–all stuff I’m familiar with already because I’ve worked in both a Continue reading

Free books!

I went to yet another book adoption meeting this evening. I got a lot of new books, some novels, many textbooks and workbooks. A lot of additions to my totally disorganized library (Damn you, moving, damn you!). At the moment, I have an overflowing bookshelf covered with sample books, textbooks, CDs, and DVDs. It’s fun going through all of them, but it’s hard trying to Continue reading

Fun with LS!

Ever since finding out that I may or may not have a job this fall, I’ve been looking into my options, and one of those options is quite obviously going back to school for a degree in Library Science since I’m clearly quite library-oriented. So far I’ve just looked into the program at Indiana University which is a Masters program. They have a Doctorate in Information Science, but that’s Continue reading

Book labels

I’ve been toying with the idea of working on our library again. It’s always in the back of my mind, but today I’ve decided to play around with determining protocol concerning book labels. So far, about the only protocols I have decided upon concern the placement of labels on the books. This being a personal collection, I do not have to follow the usual or common guidelines of putting Continue reading

Library supplies

I’ve been getting more and more irritated at the condition of our bookshelves here since several books are at angles (bad on the spine) and they are in a general disarray. Since I didn’t get any bookends for Christmas, I went ahead and hopped on Gaylord’s site and put in an order for a couple dozen. That should cover our eight bookshelves well enough, I think. I also put in an order Continue reading

Drooooool Gaylord!

So I wrote a while back about how I organized my bookshelves following the Library of Congress Cataloguing system. Since then, I’ve gotten some more library-related goals in mind for our little collection. Aside from getting another bookshelf (soon, I hope), I’ve been thinking about getting some supplies to help out my collection. Most of them have to do with book preservation, such as Continue reading