Library supplies

I’ve been getting more and more irritated at the condition of our bookshelves here since several books are at angles (bad on the spine) and they are in a general disarray. Since I didn’t get any bookends for Christmas, I went ahead and hopped on Gaylord’s site and put in an order for a couple dozen. That should cover our eight bookshelves well enough, I think. I also put in an order for shelf tabs so that I may replace the pieces of scrapbooking paper currently marking the separations between Library of Congress Cataloguing sections. And I ordered a bone. I’ve been wanting a bone for years, and now I’m going to get one. Admittedly, I’m ordering a three-inch-long bone, but I’ll be thrilled to have it nonetheless. Bones are cool.

We recently bought a bookshelf. It was actually around Christmas before everybody came up. I built it around one or two in the morning. Note to self: NEVER, I repeat NEVER let me build anything past midnight again. To sum it up: it’s lopsided. It’s bad enough we have baseboards which prevent our bookshelves from butting up against the walls proper, but this one also leans to the right in addition to leaning away from the wall. I’m thinking it’ll be the bookshelf for lighter books, e.g. paperbacks and the like under the fiction headings. Poor, demented, malformed bookshelf. It’ll look nicer once there are books on it and it’s less obvious how misshapen it is.

So I’m wholeheartedly looking forward to my green metal bookends so that I may correct the posture of my tomes. I will probably bring some to work with me as well. I’m also looking forward to having all my bookshelves nicely and neatly arranged so that I may marvel at my library and bask in its musty glory. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Library supplies

  1. Dad

    Thought I taught you better.:

    In geometry you should have learned to check the diagonals to make sure they were the same. This proves that your book case was squared. You may be able to remove the back, square it up and put the back back on.

    Love, Dad

  2. Sarah


    I was just going to comment on how Dad taught me to check the diagonals. I built a small bookshelf here and tried my best to do it right. I suppose it worked because it's not crooked. And there are boxes and boxes of bones at Steven's school that he uses. Maybe you should have considered medical school? 😉

  3. Erando


    Well, the bone I'm buying is cattle bone and is specifically for book processing, but uh, I'm sure some of the bones at Steve's school could serve the same purpose. Freaky though!

    And I'm not sure we could easily remove the back of the bookshelf since it's pretty well nailed on there. We'd kind of have to tear up the back, I'm thinking. Oh well, live and learn. 🙂

  4. Holly


    What a great word.. reminds me of Diablo 2. How have you been since I saw you last semester? 🙂 The only class I have in Root now is my monday night night class. It is a barrel of monkeys, let me tell you.

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