Free books!

I went to yet another book adoption meeting this evening. I got a lot of new books, some novels, many textbooks and workbooks. A lot of additions to my totally disorganized library (Damn you, moving, damn you!). At the moment, I have an overflowing bookshelf covered with sample books, textbooks, CDs, and DVDs. It’s fun going through all of them, but it’s hard trying to decide between them. Since the language arts teachers and foreign language teachers are getting new books this year (every six years is a new adoption period, apparently, and I walked in right at the start of one), that means that none of the books I’m using now will be the books I’m using next year, unless I want to. I could technically pick the same publisher for the textbooks next year, but since I know I don’t like the language arts books and I don’t like the speech book and I’m not much of a fan of most of my French books… Well, you get the idea. Basically, every lesson plan I have this year is now worthless. C’est la vie.

Before I sign off to either sleep or play another quick game of Picross, I’d like to send a very happy birthday out to my niece Kelly, a precocious 5 year old as of today. Go Kelly! I hope she had a great birthday ’cause right now, it’s pretty well over. 🙂

K, well, uh, yeah. Later!