HOLY HAPPY MEATBALLS!! I don’t even know that there are words to describe how friggin’ cool this is!! Look what I got yesterday after work:

The Cold Cash War

It’s a first edition of Robert Asprin’s first book!!! It’s in excellent condition and in a sleeve and I’m just so excited that I got it!! He’s my all-time favorite author, and while re-reading (for like the hundreth time) the Myth adventures, I realized that I didn’t own his first book, The Cold Cash War. So I went searching for it, and not only did I find it, I found it in great shape in the first printing!!! I’m so happy!!!

Speaking of additions to my library, I’m hoping to win an eBay bid I’ve got going on a first-edition of an AD&D set of books based on the Thieves’ World series edited by Asprin and his then-wife Lynn Abbey. I also just bought a first-edition signed copy of Myth Adventures One. SWEET! I gotta say, it’s kind of fun being a bit of a book snob as well as a major fanboy of a cult-classic fantasy/sci-fi writer because well, it’s a fun hobby. BOOKS RULE!

Oh, also, before I forget, in addition to getting Cold Cash War in the mail yesterday afternoon, I also picked up a signed copy of French Pejorative Suffixes: Meaning and Morphology. I’ve already read it, but it’ll make a great addition to my bookshelves. I have a picture of it here too:

My thesis!!

So I’m going to go read more Myth books and play the Sims while watching South Park. Hooray for Saturdays! I might also work on archiving this really cute French comic I just came across too. Hope everyone else has as good a weekend as I’m having!

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