Drooooool Gaylord!

So I wrote a while back about how I organized my bookshelves following the Library of Congress Cataloguing system. Since then, I’ve gotten some more library-related goals in mind for our little collection. Aside from getting another bookshelf (soon, I hope), I’ve been thinking about getting some supplies to help out my collection. Most of them have to do with book preservation, such as this tape dispenser, something I’ve wanted for a very long time. It’s pretty pricy, so it’ll probably have to wait quite a while before I can afford it. Until then, I’ll be fine with just using the Scotch tape and knife as usual. 🙂

Also on my wish list is a set of green bookends to keep my books from falling down quite so much. It also means I’ll be able to more easily use the tops of the bookshelves for books as well since I’ll be able to keep them upright. I really also want book jacket covers to protect my dust jackets and books better. Can you just imagine the fun I’d have sitting down in an evening putting these covers on all my dust-jacketed books? Whee!! In addition to the covers, I’d also need bones to press out creases, fold edges, and press out bubbles in tape. Sure, there are Teflon bones, but the cattle bones are fine for me and my purposes. Some cloth book tape would be cool too for mending the corners of many of my hardback books. Some laminate would also be cool, as would a book repair kit and tote, but the latter’s really a bit too much, and I could probably mix and match my own supplies as I go.

Regardless, just going through Gaylord‘s website has gotten me all excited about book preservation and cataloguing. I can’t wait until I set up my own database for all our books so I can keep track of them better. What an awesome summer this will be! I mean, seriously, an entire month off means I can do a lot of librarianship here in my own apartment. And seriously, could I be any more lame for getting so excited about this? 😉 Hehehehe. I guess I’d really be pushing the “lame” button if I went so far as to get labeled signs to mark each section on the bookshelves, eh?

3 thoughts on “Drooooool Gaylord!

  1. Katie


    And here I thought with a title like "Gaylord" this was going to be some DnD post. 😉 I do have a bone folder in my scrapbook supplies. hehe

  2. DAD


    DEMCO.COM is another good site to check out. Name doesn't raise eyebrows as much though. Good to see that all the years Mom worked at the Library has rubbed off some.

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