Fun with LS!

Ever since finding out that I may or may not have a job this fall, I’ve been looking into my options, and one of those options is quite obviously going back to school for a degree in Library Science since I’m clearly quite library-oriented. So far I’ve just looked into the program at Indiana University which is a Masters program. They have a Doctorate in Information Science, but that’s more computery and databasey–not that those are bad, but they’re not Library Science.

At any rate, the husband and I have been talking rather non-stop for the past several hours about library-related stuff. On his end is the writing of the database which I’ll use to create entries, and on my end is explaining how these entries should look and work in order for him to have something to build on. It’s a lot of fun. He’s starting to realize just how vast and complicated entries can be, and I’m learning a lot more about databases and how they work. To say the least, it has been a lot of fun learning and teaching and just hanging out talking about our similar interests. It’s fascinating to see how our interests overlap so much when sometimes it feels like we’re living on different planets. His love of coding and databases facilitates my love of cataloguing and data entry, and via my interests, I come up with new projects and ideas which he in turn uses as inspiration to create databases and user interfaces. It’s great! We definitely have an odd symbiotic relationship, like I’m the bacteria in his intestines or he’s the little bird that cleans my teeth, or whatever. My head’s too far up the butt of Library Science to come up with any actually decent metaphors or examples. For right now, I’m thinking food. After all, it’s three in the morning and time for munchies. I’m excited that with a few more hours’ work, Ian might have the page for adding entries done so I can catalogue something! Neat!!

4 thoughts on “Fun with LS!

  1. Dad

    Information Science:

    Sounds like Ian needs to check into the degree in Information Science. Does he need a BS or MS to start this?

    Love, Dad

  2. Erandomandethius

    Depends, I guess:

    IU has a Masters program and a Doctoral program for Information Science, so it depends on whether he would want an MS or a PhD. It'd be kinda cool if Ian got a doctorate as well…Doctor and Doctor Doyle, heh. I still just want my initials to be Dr.EAD. 😉

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