Category Archives: Work

Getting ready for NaNoWriMo

Well, I’m getting pretty excited about NaNoWriMo starting up soon. I’m hosting the write-ins at the Jasper Public Library, and I’ve got the signs up already to get people thinking about it. Our director’s husband may join us; he likes to write a lot and is a hilarious guy to be around, so it’d be cool if he came. I mailed information packets out to all the county high schools, middle Continue reading

A day in a car

I can’t get my full certification in librarianship until I take one more college course, and since I don’t have a certificate, I can’t really get the on-going education credits that the State Library is requiring of all licensed librarians in the state. They’re called LEUs, and even Dad has some LEUs from attending workshops with Mom. I attended a workshop that was hosted at the Jasper Continue reading


Wow, has it really been all that long since I last posted? Where has the time gone? Just the other day (uh, and now that I type that I realize it was the second of this month), I was bemoaning the fact that it was September already and that August had disappeared so quickly that I barely had time to register that it was even August in the first place. Now it’s September, and the month is Continue reading

I take big bites

Hehe, sometimes I think I bite off a bit more than I can chew. Actually, if you’ve ever seen me eat, you’re likely to agree with that. 😉 At any rate, I keep coming up with projects for work, and well, I’m sure eventually I’m going to have to calm down on making more work for myself. As it is for right now, I’m managing just fine, really. Besides the actual work that I do, you know, stuff Continue reading


The past week has been a busy one. Last Friday, Katie and the kids swung by the Jasper Public Library to look at my murals and chit-chat a bit while they were down pestering the parents. They were having a cookout at the parents’ later, but I worked until 5 and knew I’d be tired by the time I got home. Still, awesome to see them. I haven’t seen them since Rook’s graduation. Friday night Continue reading

Murals continued

I’ve gotten a lot more painting done this week, completing the fantasy side of the science fiction section as well as getting two of the four major components to the mystery section finished: the magnifying glass and bloody dagger. Also, I have painted stick figures over the entrance to the restrooms so that patrons might have an easier time finding the facilities without asking us all the Continue reading

Mural mayhem

Because the library is closed both today and tomorrow, Sandy and I decided that it was the perfect opportunity to get some work done on the murals we’re painting to label certain sections of literature. It’s sooooo much easier to get work done when we aren’t having to stop and help patrons or answer the phone or fix the computers. Because the library was closed today, we got Continue reading


I’ve been pretty busy lately what with taking on a bunch of extra shifts, but so far I have tomorrow off barring being called in. I can’t say that working a lot has kept me from posting, though. On the contrary, I’ve had a bunch of fascinating and funny experiences that would make for amusing posts, but by the time I get home I’m just happy to sit on my butt and pop in the next Continue reading

An exciting Friday

Yesterday was quite the adventure. I would have posted about it yesterday, but I was busy and then went to sleep early because I was pretty exhausted only to constantly wake up due to a persistent cat who kept rolling around on my arthritic legs so I couldn’t get or stay comfortable. So it’s 2:30 in the morning, and I’m posting now. 🙂 Of course, being 2:30 in the morning, this post Continue reading

Happy birthday, Tommy!

Today is Tommy’s 27th birthday! Woohoo! We texted back and forth for a while after I wished him a happy birthday, and he seemed to have a good day. He did some walking and running and ate some strawberry cake. Sounds like a good day to me, minus the running. 😉 My poor, arthritic knees couldn’t handle that! I have been trying to get on the elliptical for a while on the days when Continue reading