Category Archives: Pictures

Curl up with a good book!

I have made yet another display for the library. This one’s for December/January and is a winter-themed one. I actually came up with the idea several months ago, but it had to be put on the back burner for obvious reasons and because of not having much time to work ahead on such projects. At any rate, I have pictures, and while these were taken with the phone rather than a real camera, Continue reading

Murals continued

I’ve gotten a lot more painting done this week, completing the fantasy side of the science fiction section as well as getting two of the four major components to the mystery section finished: the magnifying glass and bloody dagger. Also, I have painted stick figures over the entrance to the restrooms so that patrons might have an easier time finding the facilities without asking us all the Continue reading

Mural mayhem

Because the library is closed both today and tomorrow, Sandy and I decided that it was the perfect opportunity to get some work done on the murals we’re painting to label certain sections of literature. It’s sooooo much easier to get work done when we aren’t having to stop and help patrons or answer the phone or fix the computers. Because the library was closed today, we got Continue reading


I think I’m gonna work on my novels for a while, so I’m going to use all my typing energy for that rather than post much of anything. Instead, I offer you pictures of a couple flowers. Flowers are pretty. Enjoy!

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Pictures update

Tada! More pictures because I finally got around to it. 🙂 For starters, I have pictures of my new pet snail, Herbert. Technically, he’s a stuffed snail, but who cares? He’s cute, and was a thoughtful present from Aunt Rachel. 🙂 I have no idea how she managed to find a snail stuffed animal, because most stuffed animals are of mammals, not invertebrates. One of the cool things Continue reading

Ye gods some more!

Well, as though that comic wasn’t terrifying enough, I got a phone call about an hour ago from Lushbaugh telling me to go to the backyard. Sounds like the start to a horror flick, eh? At any rate, I take Ian’s phone out with me (since that’s what he called), and step outside. There, lying in front of Ian’s car, is a tree branch. No, no, let us say an entire bough of the tree. This is no mere Continue reading

Happy Birthday, Sarah!

Today is Sarah’s 23rd birthday! In order to celebrate her birthday, I scanned in a whole bunch of pictures of her that I found here at the apartment. She had said something while we were driving around getting ready for her wedding about not having many pictures of herself when she was younger, so I decided that I’d go find a bunch of pictures for her! Eventually, once I get ahold of Continue reading