Category Archives: Work


I’m sure there were some things I meant to post about this week, but as usual, time has gotten away from me. I did, however, work more than usual this week getting an extra eight hours in on my usual day off. This up-coming week is my week to work the weekend, though how that is handled is a little different. Rather than work Saturday then Sunday, I work Sunday then work a Continue reading

Easily distracted

Well, while I’ve had many things to post about, I have been too distracted by the many things going on to remember to post. I actually tried to post back on Thursday, but my phone is acting up and refused to send the picture and message. I was going to send a picture of a lot of little Valentine hearts I’d crocheted and mention I had a whopping fourteen people at the crochet class Continue reading

Snow problem

I’m off work today and was so yesterday as well, but Sunday I worked and it was madness. Apparently, the library building was added onto some time ago, creating a seam between the old building and the newer juvenile wing. The roof of the entire structure is flat, and that’s where Sunday’s problems entered in. Sunday was warm and the sun was out. That meant the snow and ice were melting. That meant the water had to go somewhere, and where some of it went was through the building’s seam and down into the drop ceiling where it pooled until finally dripping on the floor right in the entrance to the children’s section. A girl pointed it out to me just as it started to drip as I was passing by with a cart of books to put away. I grabbed the nearest container–a trashcan–and stuck that under it and went to tell the other two librarians there. What ensued for the rest of the afternoon was a circus. First, we tried to remove plastic ceiling tiles so the leak would just drop straight through only to find that the drip splashed right against the metal supports. Some finagling and we got it to drip into the trashcan. Leaks aren’t new to this old building, so one of the librarians ran and grabbed a tarp to put down and to cover the books-on-CD rack next to the leak.

Of course, that could only do so much. The day got warmer and the leak got worse, dripping in two places now. A couple administrators were called, but neither were home to help us figure out what to do. Another trashcan got propped up against a wall where we taped garbage bags over the light switches and a file cabinet. Then we removed all the CDs from the rack so we could move it and make more room for people to walk through. We even removed all the books from one bookshelf just in case the leak got worse. Then while one of the librarians and I were still juggling books and CDs and waste baskets, our director walked in with her husband. She was just stopping by–she hadn’t gotten the message–but since she was there, she called our maintenance guy who came over quickly to shovel snow off the roof and then hang some buckets up in the rafters to catch the water there. It’s a wonder that after all this putzing around with leaks and tarps and hauling book trucks around that I managed to catch up with all the books/DVDs/CDs to shelve by the end of the day.

I bet Monday was a nightmare for the pages. Provided the leaks were taken care of, that meant they had to put the rack back in place as well as putting all the CDs back, in addition to replacing all the books on the shelf. We kept the books in order when we moved them to the cart, but the CDs were out of order to begin with, so those will take some time to put back. Today, it’s snowing (though the sun’s out periodically), and it clearly snowed some last night, though I suspect much of what is covering the road is actually drift from the snow banked up on the sidewalks. At least today’s snow appears to be more of a dusting, but still, when it melts, that water has to go somewhere. In the library’s case, that “somewhere” appears to be through the roof rather than off its edges. That library really needs a new building. Anyone know any really rich philanthropists who like books?

An icy and snowy day

Well, it’s not even 6:30 in the morning right now, and I’ve been called to be informed that the Jasper Public Libraray will not be open today due to inclement weather. Rather, Elaine told me that we’re not opening because one of our administrators, who always gets there incredibly early, spent fifteen minutes just opening the door. That probably means another half hour to get the Continue reading


Today started out normal enough…I guess. Come to think of it, I guess it wasn’t really that normal of a morning when I got up. Ian was sleeping on the futon rather than in the bedroom, which is odd, I suppose, but not unheard of. I got up kind of late but not too late since I knew I worked at nine. Before even getting out the door though, I had the fun of cleaning up Kitty vomit from the Continue reading


Ouch, my feet hurt. Today was pretty crazy at the library since it’s been closed the past two days. For instance, when we got there to open, there were 64 DVDs in the drop box (not including the 30 or so juvenille DVD films) which is about three times more than an average morning. Then there were all the VHS tapes and CDs and books… To say the least, there was a lot to put up. Continue reading

Library tidbits

There are a few random things from work on Friday that I meant to post but didn’t get around to because I spent Friday night and Saturday morning cleaning up my craft stuff in the living room for the Lushbaughs to have places to sit while they were down Saturday and Sunday, and then Sunday night I went on a writing spree. Now that I’m seated and not helping Rook with his Continue reading

Achy feet

Well yesterday was my first eight-hour shift at the library. I’ve been really good at remembering to take Aleve for my arthritis daily for the past week, so my joints were doing just fine. My feet still hurt, however. After walking home, I looked at my phone which has a built-in pedometer and it said I’d taken over 12,000 steps. I don’t know that it registers every step very well though Continue reading

Bunch of blurbs

Just a bunch of random things before today really gets into gear. First off, I broke 20,000 words in my novel late last night. I would have gotten there much earlier in the day but I ended up watching a couple documentaries (one on Noam Chomsky and another on Ralph Nader) while playing Animal Crossing for the better part of the evening. I needed only approximately 2,500 Continue reading

The new job

Yay! I have employment! Sort of… It’s part-time as in fifteen hours a week (which isn’t very much, but it’s a start, right?) at around minimum wage (not knowing what minimum wage is right now, I can’t be sure, but I’m guessing it’s around that; bad me for not looking it up) with really no benefits to speak of, but it’s work! And where is this work? Why, at the library! Yay!!! The Continue reading