Category Archives: Crafts

Tunisian Stitch

To rest my eye, I’ve decided to avoid the computer the better part of the evening, assuming, of course, that the constant staring at the monitor has anything to do with it being irritated in the first place. Regardless, in an effort not to simply read on-line fanfictions all night long, I put in a movie and worked on the other half of a crochet project I started for the crochet class. It’s a booksnake Continue reading

Murals continued

I’ve gotten a lot more painting done this week, completing the fantasy side of the science fiction section as well as getting two of the four major components to the mystery section finished: the magnifying glass and bloody dagger. Also, I have painted stick figures over the entrance to the restrooms so that patrons might have an easier time finding the facilities without asking us all the Continue reading

Easily distracted

Well, while I’ve had many things to post about, I have been too distracted by the many things going on to remember to post. I actually tried to post back on Thursday, but my phone is acting up and refused to send the picture and message. I was going to send a picture of a lot of little Valentine hearts I’d crocheted and mention I had a whopping fourteen people at the crochet class Continue reading

Wrote out

I think NaNoWriMo took most all my words out of me. I haven’t much been in the mood to type, though I highly suspect a large portion of this hesitation is due to having picked up WoW once more with a fervor. I enjoy the new system of achievements where you do silly little things like traveling around and collecting pets and crafting pointless things. Tonight’s play will be Continue reading

Crochet and WoW

Well, seeing as how it’s six in the morning and I’ve yet to go to bed, I keep thinking of what I did last night as the things I’ve done today despite it being yesterday. Regardless, I really didn’t do much yesterday after work except experiment with various crochet patterns–I’m working on gingerbread people–and watching various documentaries on Netflix while doing so. After Continue reading

Scarves and words

Well, two days ago, Ian and I picked up some yarn so I could make him a scarf. In the store, the color was a very muted green-gray, like a sage but pale and aged. Then when we got the yarn home, it looked pretty much gray like a battleship gray. I started making it into a scarf the night we got it, and yesterday morning, I picked it back up only to realize that the color had changed Continue reading

Please don’t eat this!

I had started texting Sarah because I saw a news show while flipping through the channels that had a breaking news event where a town in Pennsylvania was evacuated because of a chemical leak, and I was curious to know if this place was near Sarah’s previous hometown of Erie. (It’s not, so her friends should be fine, and apparently people in that town got out fast enough to Continue reading

Sibling blankies

Hooray! I finished Katie’s blanket tonight! It took the better part of the evening, and just putting the ribbon in it took over an hour, but it’s finally finished and I have pictures! In fact, I have pictures of all the blankets I made for my siblings. 🙂 (Simon is getting a pillowcase once I figure out how to put buttons on it, and pictures of that will pop up sooner or later.) I’ll post the pictures Continue reading

Library volunteering

Yay! I’m going to be volunteering at the local public library soon. Today was an orientation session, and it was supposed to have four volunteers but ended up with me and another lady whose a retired elementary school teacher. We bascially went over standard library rules, regulations, and procedures–all stuff I’m familiar with already because I’ve worked in both a Continue reading

Behold the turnip

Now that I have pictures taken with the camera (as opposed to the phone), I put the turnips up on Etsy just a little bit ago. As far as jack-o-lanterns go, these are pretty adorable and unique. In fact, they’re the only jack-o-lantern turnips I could find on Etsy that were crocheted (or made out of anything else, for that matter). I have only five of them at the moment, but if I start selling them, Continue reading