Tunisian Stitch

To rest my eye, I’ve decided to avoid the computer the better part of the evening, assuming, of course, that the constant staring at the monitor has anything to do with it being irritated in the first place. Regardless, in an effort not to simply read on-line fanfictions all night long, I put in a movie and worked on the other half of a crochet project I started for the crochet class. It’s a booksnake made with the Tunisian stitch (also known as the Afghan stitch), the type of stitch that requires a hook with a shank of about a foot. Not the quickest or easiest of stitches, but it’s pretty nonetheless, even in the nondescript brown yarn that I’ve been using to make the booksnake. I figured that since I already have a green booksnake, I need a brown one. Maybe I’ll make one with red, yellow, and black stripes next.

The crocheting boring me (and the movie boring me more; Ricochet‘s finest feature is Denzel Washington in his boxers about fifteen minutes into the film), I bounced between crocheting other projects then finally settled on listening to an audio book for a while with my eyes closed. That bored me, so I lay down in bed for about thirty minutes, willing myself to sleep but to no avail. Hence, I find myself back up, nearly done with the laundry, and seated at my computer once more, a position I had attempted to avoid all evening and obviously failed at. *Shrug*

I think I’m going to write. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday typing up the first few chapters of Book Two in the Solennelle & O series, and I might just add new content tonight rather than type. New content means notebook and pen, not computer monitor. Regardless, it’s something to do since my brain obviously won’t shut up. Stupid brain. Perhaps I’ll reread some of the manga still collected on the other half of the couch. I have only twenty-five books here, after all. Surely that could occupy my mind for a brief time until unconsciousness finally overtakes me. Stupid consciousness. Too much talk in all that, I tell ya. Hemmingway, time to do something other than this. Maybe I’ll go get some ice cream.