Mind elsewhere

Today has been long. As usual, I’m having another spell of bad sleeping. Not unusual. For me, insomnia often goes hand-in-hand with nightmares, and last night’s was nothing short of disturbing . . . not that any of my nightmares are anything but deeply disturbing. This one, at least, was screwed up enough to even make the husband cringe when I relayed it to him. Long story short, I dreamt I was pregnant with twins only to have a madwoman cut them from my stomach and kill them before my eyes in some pretty hideous ways. Yeah, not the greatest of dreams to wake up to early in the morning, but it was motivation to get out of bed and stay far away from it for a while. I was going to spend some time on the porch relaxing to get the images out of my head, but the mosquitos were biting already, so I returned to my couch.

I’ve spent the better part of the day alternating between typing up what I have written for Book Two from my notebook and reading on-line fanfiction about the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney games. I’ve all but caught up to the end of the forums I’ve been perusing for the past two and a half months. I’m wondering what I’ll do with all my newly-found time, but seeing as how I have novels to write, I expect that’s where my attention will wander. I also spent some time ripping twenty-six of our classical CDs to the computer only to discover after ripping every single one that they were saved as M4A rather than MP3. Sucktastic.

I’ve been achy most of today too. In fact, the eyes have it. I suspect there might be some allergies behind the itchiness and constant desire to rub at them, but with one eyelid actually slightly swollen, perhaps it’s pinkeye. I don’t know; I’m just your typical hypochondriac, I suppose. Worst case scenario, and all that. It’s lucky I don’t know much about more exotic diseases or I’d likely start wondering if I have those as well. It’s bad enough constantly thinking about my joints and what all is going wrong with my GI tract. Stupid body. I’d love to have a different model, one that was perhaps taller and without frizzy hair. I digress. I digress a lot. I find this to be fairly typical, in fact, the digressing. Regardless, mentally and physically, I am bleh today.

Before I forget, on a lighter note, today is my nephew Zach’s birthday. If the husband and I ever start having a financial situation where we have more in our account from paycheck to paycheck than five dollars, I’m going to start sending birthday cards to my adorable nieces and nephews consistently. I hardly see enough of them, but until our situation improves around here, it’s likely we won’t be able to afford any trips to their place any time soon. Still, I hope Zach had a happy birthday, and I feel bad for not posting about it earlier in the day. 🙁

Due to a sudden sense of general lassitude and ennui, I’m wandering off now. I’ve got more typing to do, and the clacking of the keyboard is about the only thing I have patience for at the moment provided I don’t have to expend much thought into the keys I’m hitting. I like typing from a notebook; it’s just stare and type, not much thinking involved. Perhaps tomorrow will be better, though I doubt it. Ice cream will help. Dark chocolate ice cream is always good.

2 thoughts on “Mind elsewhere

  1. Erando

    Rook sure has a sweet tooth:

    We don't tend to have any ice cream when he's over. Good to know he "saves" you from the evil ice cream when it's in your house, lol.

    I got to looking at my puffy eye after I got up, and it reminds me of the eye infections my friend Goose used to get in college from staring at a computer monitor all day and not sleeping enough as a result. I think I'm going to have to try and keep away from Buster for a while, though that means not typing up more of the novel. :/ Oh well, there's always crocheting to do.

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