
OK, so this rant is less about food that I’ve fixed or recipes or whatever and more to do with my body’s reactions to food, but who really pays attention to the category tags on this webpage anyway? At any rate, sugar. I don’t mind sugar. In fact, some of my favorite things have sugar in them in one way or another like ice cream. I like glucose, fructose, sucrose… I just have a sweet tooth. The older I get (and the more health problems I acquire), the more I notice that certain types of sugar just don’t sit well with me. Fructose is the only one that’s consistantly OK and doesn’t mess with my system. I can eat fruit all day long with no ill effects, and even drinking soda (high fructose corn syrup forevah!) doesn’t mess me up. It’s the table sugar variety found in candies, cakes, ice cream, etc. that screw with me. I remember being able to eat several handfuls of M&Ms, several pieces of ice cream cake, and then washing it down with several cups of Kool-aid (and I did this at a cousin’s birthday party one year), but now eating an entire candy bar makes me sick to my stomach and gives me a headache. Indications of the onset of diabetes? Probably. The other starches that break down into sugars don’t mess with me like pure sugar does, hence a potato is fine but a handful of M&Ms is not. Biscuits are fine, but a big bowl of ice cream is not. Sucks, really, but if you think about it, I’m really better off not being able to eat copious amounts of sugar since it’s not really good for anyone anyway. But still, every once in a while I just crave a Debbie cake or a bag of Skittles. I just wish I could indulge occasionally without this sickening feeling overtaking my intestines and head. I’m sorry, Sugar, but we just can’t see each other very much anymore. I mean, we can hang out occasionally, but you’re just not right for me. I think I’m just going to see more of my old friend Fructose. Fructose is more my type.