
I’m no longer coughing so much that I’m puking, which is nice. I’m coughing far less, but it’s still hard to sleep for some odd reason. As for today, I’m doing pretty decent considering that the crazy weather is giving me a headache and is making my joints act up. It snowed earlier today in Loogootee then stopped long enough for me to get home. The husband and I went out to do a little grocery shopping while it was still pretty clear, and on the way back it started to sleet. It’s still sleeting, and watching the Weather Channel, it looks like it’s going to continue to do so for quite a while. It might change to freezing rain at some point, but for right now it’s plinking off the glass like beads and covering everything in slush. Weird weather always messes with my system, and since I’m still on the mend, it’s going to be an interesting evening. I’m thinking it’s time for a nap. Or cold medicine. Or both. Or tea. Maybe all three? We’ll see.

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