Bye bye, DnD

I meant to post this yesterday or even Sunday, but I spent half of yesterday on campus and the other half playing AC:WW, so the post is today rather than yesterday. No biggie. At any rate, the point of the post is to say that DnD is more or less over with for now. Since I’m going to be moving to LGT and Ian will (hopefully) be getting a job where he’s gone most weekends and Miller’s got way more responsibilities at his teaching job this year and Lushbaugh’s schedule sucks ass in general (having only one day a week off from the gulag), well, that means Jim’s the only one with the time to play, and he already has another group he plays with on Saturdays so it’s not like he’s totally out of the DnD loop. So, yeah. Saturday morning, Ian and I separated out everyone’s stuff so they could grab it Sunday and take it home, and we put our own books up. The gang played Sunday, probably the last time in some time. Crazy.

I like DnD, but I have to admit that it was getting a bit…off. I can’t really think of a better way to describe it. I think everyone was just losing focus over the past several months. We haven’t played a consistent campaign in a while which really makes the game feel disconnected and disjointed. It’s hard to make connections with our characters and get a lot of character development when some characters just kept getting switched in and out. Ian has been disenchanted with DnD for quite some time and just hasn’t wanted to play for the past couple months as a result of the jumping around we’ve been doing. I can’t say that I blame him; it has been confusing.

I almost think we just got too used to playing. With so many campaign worlds and so many books constantly being dragged into play, it was hard for everyone to keep up and to make each character feel special and unique without also feeling lame or overpowered. We ended up with a lot of cookie cutter characters (which isn’t always bad since the over-specialized almost never fit in with the group) that we could kill off willy-nilly since we could just bring in something else next week. I almost think that it’d be better to play once a month or once in a while rather than all the time because then we’ll all actually look forward to bringing our favorite characters in and try to keep them alive for next time. We’ll actually look forward to playing rather than just playing because it’s that time to play whether we’re in the mood or not or awake or not or whatever. I’m gonna miss DnD pretty much just because it was time to hang out with my friends. I’m thinking that I’d be just as happy sitting around watching movies or playing euchre or shooting the breeze. At least then there aren’t arguments over rules or irritations at having characters die.

I dunno. Stopping DnD has been something the husband and I have talked about before because we didn’t figure it could go on forever. We figured people would start moving away or that one day we’d leave the Haute, and so stopping weekly DnD games was an eventuality. I’m just sorry it happened so fast and without much warning. Otherwise we could have spent our latest DnD session doing something totally outrageous and crazy to celebrate our DnD days. Something like an arena fight or Candyland or something epic where we kill each other’s characters. Meh. We’ll have other games; it just may be a while before we organize another session. But I can say that this time away will make the next game more special and exciting. Maybe I will go ahead and finish my two campaign worlds (Spiritwind and Candyland) as well as my mod campaign, just so I’m prepared for the next adventure. I’ll see you later, DnD. It’s been fun.

2 thoughts on “Bye bye, DnD

  1. Lushbaugh


    Yeah it was a good ride. Of course we still have my campaign to finish and finish we will.

    I think we should try to do something once a month, not necessarily DnD.

  2. Rook


    There's nothing I can add to that but it was fun to play with you guys. (Even though I never got to kill of any of the half-orcs…). O well…

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