Ye gods, I’ve heard Buster make modem noises. The ‘rents have dial-up here out in the boonies (because paying nearly $100 a month for high-speed is retarded if you can just check your webpages at work where there is high-speed internet). Since I’ll be here for a while, I needed to set up my internet connection, so I called the husband and he helped me figure out where I needed to go on my computer to set it up. Dad helped with the actual phone number stuff for the local ISP, and now I’m connected…to dial-up. Buster beeped. I mean, he made that screeching, horrifying, painful squeal that is indicative of a modem grinding to a start. <Shudder> It’s just so scary. The first speed it popped up with was 36.4 Kbps, which I guess isn’t all that bad, but I miss my DSL already. <Le Sigh> But at least I’ll be able to post and check my comics from my laptop. I think Buster felt bad being disconnected. I know I did!

10 thoughts on “DIAL-UP!!

  1. Miller






    Good to hear from you!

    ** Miller has disconnected (disconnected from server) **

  2. Lushbaugh

    I imagine:

    I imagine that hundreds of years from now a dial up modem exhibit that plays that sound will be in the computer museum, next to the cavemen buying insurance and the wax nerd ordering a pizza online.

  3. Katie


    I'm shuddering at the thought of dial-up. I get whiny if a page takes more than 5 seconds to load nowadays. (My current speed: 11 Mbps, hehe)

  4. talam

    That is normal:

    There have actually been studies done that show people will leave a page if it takes more than 8 seconds to load.

  5. Dad

    8 seconds?:

    If I left all my pages if they take more than 8 seconds, I'd never see a web page. I usually take a ACWW break between web pages.

    Love, Dad

  6. talam

    Turning off javascript and pluggins helps.:

    By default, I run without pluggins and javascript running. This can drastically reduce load times on some sites. For instance, tBoMM's site loads on my setup in about 15s with javascript and pluggins enabled, and only 5s with them disabled. Katie's site has a similar reduction in load time (8s->5s). Of course, on both of the site you would not be able to leave/read comments without javascript.

  7. TheBackofMyMind


    I have been trying to figure out how I could eventually afford a T1 line because I hate the speed of the Internet any other way. Yes, I have cable and it does okay, but damn, having a T1 all to my lonesome, um, I'd be in heaven.

    btw, i assume my gallery pages take a helluva long time to load, huh Talem?

  8. talam


    It is not so much that you have a slow connection as a few other things. Right now you have three images at around 170k and one at almost 400k in your posts which is probably where the bulk of it comes from. The haloscan comment system is another area for a little slow down since not only do we have to ping your site, but then we go out to their site and deal with any lag they might have.

    They are both hard things to get around. The only way to get around the image problem and still show full posts is to make them too tiny or low quality to be worth showing. I guess if you want to put more work on yourself you could switch the images to links to the images once the post is no longer the most recent. (Not sure if I would bother since I know you hand code your pages.) And the comments are just kinda something you will have to deal with. 🙂

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