Our guild!

So the husband and I have been kicking around the idea of forming our own guild in WoW. One of the major reasons was so that we would no longer be pestered by overzealous guilds who invite everyone and everything in sight. When a character has a guild tag, that character can’t be invited to other guilds. A few of our characters had been in guilds, but they were either completely inactive or never talked or just weren’t really all that helpful or interesting. After all, what’s the point of being in a guild if that guild does nothing, not even chat? Hell, we can do nothing together and not have to worry about dealing with other player characters, right? So why not form our own guild?

Yesterday afternoon, I got to toying around with guild name ideas. An obvious one that I thought of was Asylum’s Gate as an homage to the guild Katie, Greg, and TBOMM invited Ian and I to in our EQ days. I considered Spiritwind Avengers, a guild Ian enjoyed a lot with several of his characters in EQ, but that was more him than me, and it was a guild formed by others, not people we knew well. Ian had suggested Throwaway Guild several days ago, and while funny, it might give other players odd ideas to join because of the name. We weren’t making this guild for random people but for ourselves or for other like-minded people, so we needed a name that would attract other weirdos like us, not the typical weirdos of MMORPGs. Since several of our other ideas were based on EQ, I had the sudden inspiration from Fippy Darkpaw, a somewhat notorious and noteworthy NPC from EQ. He’s most known for shouting about how the humans are ruining his homelands then charging the guards at the gates of Qeynos where he’s promptly torn to shreds. In fact, the phrase, “Ruining our lands” is quite common in EQ, so I came up with: Ruining our own Lands for the guild name. Ian agreed. After all, we’d capture the attention of old school EQers and could have interesting guild chat reminiscing over the good old days.

Therefore, I hopped on-line and grabbed a guild charter and started getting signatures to start the guild. Ian signed (obviously), and we got Damien, Kade, and Jer to hop to our server to sign, and in shouting our message to the city that we were forming said guild, I got another player who recognized the name (an old school EQer who’d played for nine years) and wanted to add a character to it for him and his wife. The last three signatures we needed were random characters who were willing to sign the charter just so we could get the guild going. Once it was formed, Ian and I brainstormed on a tabbard and came up with a green one with white trim with a chess pawn on it. Heck, if Rook ever starts playing again, we’ll have an almost-totally-appropriate tabbard for his character. 🙂 So here’s a picture of the Guild Master–my palladin Ruis–and the tabbard we designed.

Ruis, Guild Master

We went through and added all of our characters, and I made all of Ian and my characters officers. We don’t know how much recruiting we’ll do, if any, but it is kind of fun having our own guild to toy around with. ^_^

5 thoughts on “Our guild!

  1. Miller

    Same here:

    Yeah, once UB is over, I'll totally jump on board. I've always [i] wanted [/i] to be a part of a real-life-inspired guild… I've never had much use for them otherwise.

  2. TheBackofMyMind

    After training…:

    …is done for me with work, I'd be interested in starting to play again. When I do, if you'll have me, I'll join ya guys!

    I'm thinking about a month or less from now, I will start up again. I have actually been reading some of the message boards again for WoW.

  3. Dad


    Does WoW work well on dial-up? Rook asked if he could get a suscription. Still thinking about it.

    Love, Dad

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