Category Archives: Writing

Tunisian Stitch

To rest my eye, I’ve decided to avoid the computer the better part of the evening, assuming, of course, that the constant staring at the monitor has anything to do with it being irritated in the first place. Regardless, in an effort not to simply read on-line fanfictions all night long, I put in a movie and worked on the other half of a crochet project I started for the crochet class. It’s a booksnake Continue reading

Mind elsewhere

Today has been long. As usual, I’m having another spell of bad sleeping. Not unusual. For me, insomnia often goes hand-in-hand with nightmares, and last night’s was nothing short of disturbing . . . not that any of my nightmares are anything but deeply disturbing. This one, at least, was screwed up enough to even make the husband cringe when I relayed it to him. Long story Continue reading

Book signing soon

Well, the book signing is in two days, and I think I’ve gotten most of the things I need together. I’m dragging my own copies of the books in to show people, and Ian made up a flyer that has the Lulu storefront on it plus synopses of each book. I’ve printed out about thirty or so business cards with the same web address and the titles of Two Minds Are Better Than One and The Continue reading

Book titles

I stink with book titles. I really do. I mean, for years I simply referred to each of the separate books in the fantasy series as Book One, Book Two, Book Three… Well, you get the point, on up to Book Nine. Hell, mentally, I still refer to them by their number. I have a list of their titles around here somewhere, but other than the first three books, I couldn’t tell you the names of any Continue reading


The past week has been a busy one. Last Friday, Katie and the kids swung by the Jasper Public Library to look at my murals and chit-chat a bit while they were down pestering the parents. They were having a cookout at the parents’ later, but I worked until 5 and knew I’d be tired by the time I got home. Still, awesome to see them. I haven’t seen them since Rook’s graduation. Friday night Continue reading


If you go to the Jasper Public Library website and type in either my name or “Two Minds Are Better Than One,” you’ll see that (currently as of the time of this posting) both books are checked out. Madness, says I. It’s hard to imagine other people reading my works despite having taken four or five creative writing classes in college where an entire room of people was reading my Continue reading


I had this feeling. I had this strange sort of almost indescribable feeling, and so, of course, I had to try and write it down. That’s generally how my mind best works when it comes to trying to determine what it is exactly that’s going through my head. For some odd reason, the simple act of taking up a pen or putting fingers to keys makes the organization of thoughts much clearer, more Continue reading

Romance novel

As much as I’m rather loathe to admit it, I’ve decided to write a romance novel. Actually, this idea had come to me some time ago, but back then, the idea was just as much about writing a social commentary on the state of the USA as writing about two people meeting and falling in love. Now, the story has evolved and has ventured slightly further away from the scathing stab Continue reading


I finally finished the last chapter of Book Three! It took me forever. Seriously, writing fight scenes sucks ass. I really don’t think I want to write any more fight scenes ever, but I know that saying I won’t write any fight scenes ever is impossible. After all, I was thinking about having a magical duel in Book Six. Oh, there’s that and the army that attacks in Book Two. Go figure. At least Continue reading

Luckily, I have a big mouth

Most people either wouldn’t consider having a big mouth “lucky” unless they’ve also got a dirty mind. Regardless, what I mean by the title is that to a lot of people, it would seem that I’m biting off a lot more than I can chew when it comes to my book projects. So far, I have three completed books: Two Minds Are Better Than One (now in large print), Zombie Cookbook, Continue reading