Category Archives: Quickie


Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! Just some random tidbits about the week or day or whatever. Um, lessee, I made mint iced tea that isn’t totally horrifying (I, as a general rule, abhor iced teas). I’m about done with two pillowcases. I figured out that it takes fifteen minutes to do two rows on the green afghan pictured at the bottom of this post. Uh, my arms broke out in hives again totally Continue reading


Bleh. I think I must’ve messed up my GI tract somehow over the weekend ’cause I spent most of yesterday in the restroom (when I wasn’t unconscious). I’d even kicked Rook out of here early just in case he got some of my germs on him or his stuff and then spread it to Mom or Aunt Pamela. I figured Dad’d be OK though. Usually is when bugs roam around. So fun day yesterday Continue reading


So I’m watching the Republican National Convention and there’s this guy somewhere in the crowd who just keeps screaming. I mean screaming! Now that Ian pointed it out to me, it’s just about all I can hear. It’s distracting, to say the least. I’ve never quite gotten the obsession with screaming while other people are talking, but maybe I was just brought up better than this guy. I Continue reading

Getting there

I actually have about two weeks’ of photos to post but haven’t gotten around to loading them on the computer, let alone cropping them and uploading them to the server. I even have pictures of the ripped-off skin caused by a Gatorade bottle on my hand. 🙂 At any rate, I might work on getting the pictures off my phone and camera since the WoW servers are down, but I’m much Continue reading

Happy birthday, Rook!

So today’s Simon’s birthday, aka Rook. He got here around ten or eleven (I was playing WoW, so I can’t remember) and after hauling his computer and giant totebag in, he collapsed on the floor and slept there for several hours. Then he flopped on the futon and slept there for several more hours. Now he’s finally conscious and will probably play WoW for the rest of the evening. Rather Continue reading

Happy birthday, Damien!

Today, Damien is one year older, and to celebrate that, the husband and I had him over last night for grilled porkchops (hooray for grilling!), fried potatoes with bell peppers, tortilla chips with dip, and ice cream. We watched Juno, a quirky movie about a teenage pregnancy where the dialogue is funny but way too funny to be at all realistic. We had a good time, and Damien’s going to spend Continue reading


I always seem to have some song randomly running around my head like a horribly warped and insane soundtrack. Lately it has been one of a few songs: a stupid-ass jingle for idiotic sweet tea for McDonald’s because the damned commercial airs all the time on the radio station I listen to; Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo; and Camptown Racers. Needless to say, I wish I could install a Continue reading


It’s snowing. It was mostly flurries whenever I came home, but now it’s coming down a little harder in large light flakes that blow and billow in the gusting winds. I used to think Terre Haute was windy, but Jasper could give it a run for its money some days. Today’s not quite one of those days, but it’s windy enough that the snow is having trouble sticking to anything because it’s just Continue reading

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, Emmy and Ally! Wow, they’re really 9 now, aren’t they? Crazy! I hope that my cute nieces had a great day today! Hopefully the weather held out for you guys over there on the East Coast. (We got some snow/rain/slush mess last night and today.)

Un cerf

Yeah, so I nearly hit a deer this morning. I say “nearly” but it was actually about thirty feet away from me when I slammed on the brakes. Two pickups were headed in the opposite direction and they got much closer to the doe than I did. Crazy critter. I told Ian about this and he said something about “thinning out their numbers.” Ah, well, Predator is on TV right Continue reading