Awesome sundae!

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Perfect way to spend an afternoon off: dark chocolate ice cream, whipped cream, dark chocolate chips, and crème de menthe liqueur. Yum!

2 thoughts on “Awesome sundae!

  1. Dad

    Looks good…:

    Did it have much sugar? Could it be on my diet? Was that the container I sent back down with Rook? Hope I haven't been keeping from Sundaes all this time.

    Love, Dad

  2. Erando


    Well, if you could find sugar-free dark chocolate ice cream, sugar-free dark chocolate chips, and sugar-free whipped cream, this could be on your diet, I think. Otherwise, no. But it really is awesome. And yeah, oddly enough, that is the dish Rook brought back, mostly 'cause I wanted something larger than our normal bowls so I could mix it all up into a hideously-strange-looking green-brown goo. Awesome sauce!

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