Attention span

I’ve got about seventy pages to type up in Book Two. I’ve indexed the names of the first one hundred pages in Katie’s large Ringwald/Nolan genealogy binder. The index is six pages long so far, and that’s just the generational charts and the Ringwald side of the family. I’ve beaten all eight gyms in Pokémon SoulSilver and am working on leveling up my Pokémon so I can attempt the Elite Four soon. I haven’t played much World of Warcraft lately, but Ian has been periodically playing my account and has gotten me a new mount. When I get back to the game, I’m working on four different factions to get more achievements. That may be a while because I just picked up another puzzle-solving game recently. I’m knitting a blanket, doing it in strips that I’ll crochet together once I’m done with them. I’ve recently taught myself hairpin lace crochet and plan on learning broomstick lace crochet as well. There’s going to be a Local Author Fair at the library, and I’m not only hosting it but will be attending it as well. I’m in season five of Star Trek: The Next Generation, though I’ve also been watching a lot of old Sherlock Holmes movies. Rook was down for the weekend. I plan on going cemetery hopping with the folks over Memorial Day weekend so I can take pictures of family tombstones.

So I’m trying to decide what to work on right now. I’m so damned close to finishing all the typing for Book Two, meaning I can print and begin editing it soon. I could work on indexing the genealogy binder; I did an impressive amount of it yesterday, after all. I have that new game I just picked up (so far, I’ve only just gotten through the tutorial part) or I could pick WoW back up or level up my Pokémon some more. I could work on any of the half dozen crochet or knit projects I always seem to have going at once. There’s always the other long-term “I’ll get to it eventually” projects like rearranging the bookshelves or cataloguing our CDs or cleaning the craft stuff up. Of course, there are dishes to be done (bleah) or laundry to finish up (meh).

In the end? I don’t know what I’ll end up doing. I spent half the weekend feeling like crap, and today wasn’t much better thanks to weather-induced sinus issues. I’ll probably end up watching Star Trek and messing around on the computer aimlessly for a couple hours. It’s after ten, and I don’t suppose I’ll be up long enough to really get into any of the current projects/plans/distractions. I just felt like I ought to update seeing as how I haven’t in over a month, and so I started typing. The cat’s next to me; maybe I’ll just bother her for a while. Later.

One thought on “Attention span

  1. auntie 502

    missed you:

    I'm so glad you updated your blog. I really missed reading about your busy life! 🙂

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