Second Time’s a Charm

The third book in the Solennelle & O series has been published…sort of. It’s up on but it’s not accessible via public means. It’s up there only so I know it’s uploaded and in working condition so I can get a copy to edit from. It’s not even technically done. This will be the only copy where there are no quotations heading each chapter. I simply didn’t have the time to find and type quotes for each chapter before the special deal of a free proof copy ran out. It’s something I’ll work on more as I go through quote books. I’ve already found a lot of good quotes, but I need more and also need to focus solely on that purpose rather than attempt to work on that aspect of the novels while also editing. Ian did an awesome job on the cover, as usual, and I’m looking forward to having a copy. I’m looking forward more to a cleaned-up and complete copy, but that will wait until after the second novel is done.

Speaking of the second novel (Two’s company, Twenty-five’s an Army), I still have the majority of it to type up. Then I’ll need to print the whole thing. Next, I’ll edit it. Then I’ll type up those corrections. Then I’ll edit it again on the computer. After that comes the arduous task of finding quotes for each chapter, but because the second novel has a war in it, all I need are a butt-load of war quotes and I’m set. After that, I have to come up with what I want on the cover then have Ian make it up for me. All in all, this’ll probably take me the better part of a month because I’ve been working so sporadically on typing it up in the first place. I have, however, been bitten by the literature bug, so I at least want to work on it rather than want to put it up for a while. I figure that once the second novel is up on Lulu, I’ll release the third book to the public around the same time or soon after. The fourth book, only about a third done, will necessitate much more time because I haven’t even finished writing it yet! All this work on the second and third novels has made me feel like working on the fourth book, and for that reason, it may take the second book that much longer to come out because I might find myself inured in book four. Messy, messy, messy.

Regardless, it’s getting late despite whatever Daylight Wasting Time says, and I probably won’t stay up much longer to work on any of the current book projects. Instead, I think I’ll read a bit then conk out. Night!

By the way: If you want a look at the cover to the book, check out the husband’s page where he has posted them. 🙂