131 pages

Looking at 131 pages of 10-pt Times New Roman font with 0.5″ margins could be pretty daunting, but now that I’ve finished editing all 131 pages, it’s not so looming. Of course, it’ll take a while to make all these changes on the computer. I have noticed there are more corrections in the early part of the document than in the latter parts, but that’s probably because I had really gotten into the story by the end and had edited more as I went during those parts because they weren’t during the NaNoWriMo event of 2008. At any rate, I think this is how I’m going to try and spend the weekend. While I’d love to have the entire document completed including the quotes I like to have a the beginning of chapters, I am less concerned with it as I am getting the editing done so I can get it more or less out of my hair.

Next up: get Book Two typed up. The sooner I do that, the sooner I get it printed out to edit, and that being done, the closer it’ll be to publication. Yay! At any rate, less typing here and more typing in Book Three. Later!

2 thoughts on “131 pages

  1. Dad

    Two or Three:

    Now which book is the 131 pages in? And what percentage is that of the book? In the next up, why more typing in book three?

    I'm confused

    Love, Dad

  2. Erando


    I can see how this is confusing. See, Book Three is already all typed up because I wrote it for NaNoWriMo in 2008. Printed out, it's 131 pages long, and that's what I finished editing today and will work on fixing on the computer. Book Two, however, was written in notebooks and needs to be typed up before I can edit, print, and then correct it. Messy, I know. I was sort of watching a documentary while typing up my post so I was too distracted to pay any attention to whether what I said made sense or not. 🙂 It happens!

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