Friggin’ 2:30 in the morning

I have so many issues with sleep that I’ve decided to create a new post category just for rants about the topic. At the moment, it’s nearly 2:30 in the morning, and I’ve been conscious more or less for the better part of the last couple hours. I lay down to take a nap around 7:30, woke up around 9:30, woke up again around 11 something, and then I finally woke up around 12:30 and spent about an hour and a half just lying in bed listening to Ian snore and the neighborhood dogs barking. I decided that there wasn’t much point in lying around, so I came into the living room to read some manga on-line, pester the cat, and finish off the rest of the soda I’d left sitting in here. I probably ought to make some sort of effort to fall back asleep, but then again, why? I slept enough already as far as my low standards are concerned. So now that I’m up, I think I’ll get back to the novel. I didn’t write in it yesterday (yesterday being Sunday) because I was crampy and didn’t feel like doing much of anything beyond gripe and sleep. After work, that’s about all I did, come to think of it. At any rate, since the rest of the house is blissfully slumbering, I think I’ll avoid cranking up NIN to listen to as I write. Maybe I’ll switch to Baroque chamber music for a while. Have fun sleeping, all of you out there. I know my usual readers are all likely in dreamland right now. Lucky.