
Sorbet. Sherbert. Sherbet. Dunno why I’m musing over such a silly word, but well this is my head and my head is full of immediate fascination at anything language-oriented. Dunno why I’m even posting this mental meandering. I really haven’t any point in posting about sherbert or sherbet or sorbet or what-have-you. Just felt like typing. Actually, I dunno even why I feel like typing; I’ve been typing for the better part of the evening. Got notes typed up and all that. Maybe I just like the sound of the keyboard and am unwilling to stop clacking keys. Sherbet. Sorbet. Sherbert. Nope, just randomness. I think that finally coming down off my insomnia-induced high is leaving me with rather odd thoughts and impressions, leaving me with more rest in my mind to where my creative side isn’t so much harried and scary as pensive and passive. Sorbet. Sherbet. Sherbert. Guess I might go work on the romance novel some more. Maybe get another chapter typed up. Maybe not. Maybe just read some more and eat some sherbert. Sorbet. Sherbet.

I suddenly want ice cream.

2 thoughts on “Sherbert

  1. Erando

    Um, dunno.:

    I looked it up once and I think that it has something to do with the milk content and that sherbert tends to be fruit flavored. Other than that, no clue.

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