Late night or early morning?

So I know I’ve mentioned the insomnia recently (seeing as how I’ve barely posted, it’d have to have been the prior post), and the situation really hasn’t changed much. Yesterday I worked until eight, and afterwards, I chatted with Ian for about an hour before giving up on consciousness and conking out. I woke up a few times, but finally around two, I got up since I was wide awake and couldn’t bring myself to fall asleep again. I tried, mind you. I lay there for a full hour before coming into the living room. Part of me feels it’s odd that it’s now daytime, but then again, I can’t say I’m all that surprised either. Regardless, I did get some stuff done last night (this morning?). I have the first two chapters of my romance novel typed up, and I’ve got some more notes jotted down on the same as well. At some point, I need to actually type up said notes, but for the moment, I’m leaning toward simply reading a while or possibly trying to pass out once more. One way or the other, I plan on wasting my first day off over my three-day weekend. It might even involve ice cream. 😛 At any rate, must get back to mindlessness. Well, wait, I may already be there.