Sleep Assassin

Some of you who read my site (the three or four of you) may remember some of the comics I’ve drawn for the page. I pretty much stopped drawing comics although I’ve had plenty of ideas. Some of the ideas included drawing my novels as a comic and drawing a former DnD campaign as a comic (still working on that one). I still get ideas for one shots, and over the past couple months, I’ve come up with several of them. The one shots have formed into a sort of mini-series based on one theme: Kitty and her obsession with keeping me from sleeping. I had a few comics about Kitty as a ninja assassin, but I’ve decided it makes more sense to call her a “sleep assassin” because she’s always killing my sporadic periods of unconsciousness. I have the comics pretty much drawn up; they simply need inked, uploaded and have text added to them. There’s four so far, but seeing as how Kitty has made it a point to prevent me from sleeping more than three hours at a time over the past couple days, I’m guessing I might come up with ideas for other comics as well. So expect a Sleep Assassin comic within the next week, I’d guess. I might post one later today too. I might also take a nap later today. Someone kept waking me up last night.

One thought on “Sleep Assassin

  1. Holly

    Bad kitty:

    Hi Erin! I hope you and Ian are doing well. Maybe your cat and my cat were separated at birth? She does the same thing to me, starting at about 4:30 am and ending only when I finally give up and get up.

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