
< To the tune of “Jingle Bells.” > Fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Fuck fuck fuck, fuckfuck fuck fuck, fuckfuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck…FUCK!

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, real quick here’s an update: I got sunburnt Tuesday from spending almost all day outside with my students for a National Guard day; I’ve gotten nearly all of my grades into the computer for the progress reports due tomorrow; the husband is coming down tomorrow to spend some time with me; and I’ve got enough acid in my throat right now to dissolve an elephant leg. Now it’s time to finish grading and come up with lesson plans for tomorrow while watching Star Trek.

4 thoughts on “Fuckity

  1. Dad


    The first part of your post doesn't match the rest. We do have two bottles of antacid for your major complaint.

    Love, Dad

  2. Rook


    Heaven forbid there are a lot of Fucks up their i mean fuck man what the fuck is wrong with people using that kind of language! Whos knows what the fuck kids could find on the internet anyways! I mean shit, they could find porn or violence or they could end up meeting an older guy and have sex with them, but all that is tame compared to a few fucking words! ..!.. >. < ..!..

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