Happy anniversary!

Happy nine year anniversary, Baby Doll! Can you believe it has been nine years since we first hooked up? You gave me a note that said, “I think I might be falling for you, and I like it. If I ask, will you be mine?” And then I called you when I got home from school immediately to say “yes” a hundred times. And it’s still a hundred times “yes.” I loven you, Baby Doll. You’re the greatest! I can’t wait to get home and fix dinner with you, curl up with you to watch a movie and get my husband-man all to myself. We’ve been together a third of our lives, and here’s to spending the rest of our lives together. My tribute to my silly-headed moo-man:

100 things I love about Ian

  1. His shining blue eyes
  2. How my art supplies become his and his become mine
  3. His confidence and humbleness about his art projects
  4. The long conversations we have
  5. The fact that we have similar taste in foods and restaurants
  6. How he sometimes falls asleep in the tub
  7. How he just randomly has too much energy
  8. His facial hair–whatever it may be at the moment
  9. How he knows so much about the Marvel world even though I don’t read it
  10. How much he has come to be friends with my friends
  11. That his favorite colors are my favorite colors
  12. That he enjoys reading
  13. How he came to my rescue during my junior prom
  14. His soft, sometimes spiky hair
  15. His warmth next to me in bed
  16. The way his lips curl up when he’s laughing really hard
  17. How he loves to work on the webpages
  18. His sarcasm
  19. How he grins and laughs when he tells me what I said in my sleep
  20. His knock-knees and how he compensates for them
  21. How he will drop what he’s doing to get me a drink
  22. His logical and coherent way of explaining math problems
  23. How he helps me beat my video games
  24. His beautiful singing voice
  25. How he curls up next to me on the couch while I’m doing homework or grading or playing on the computer
  26. That he introduced me to so many on-line comics
  27. How he hates birthdays but always celebrates mine anyway
  28. His intelligence
  29. How he didn’t mind that the Christmas tree was up until yesterday when he took it down
  30. His love for his blue and green comforter
  31. His weird predilection for mob movies
  32. How he loves me despite all my many quirks
  33. His cute butt
  34. How he has supported me all these years through my education
  35. The cheesy grin he gives me when he’s said something goofy
  36. That he’s so comfortable with his heterosexuality that he can pretend to be gay
  37. His confidence when driving
  38. How he surprises me with random gifts
  39. How he tolerates my thirty-ish phobias
  40. His cynicism
  41. How much he cares about his best friend Damien
  42. How he puts up with my rambling
  43. That he accepts my randomness even when I’m making his brain hurt
  44. How we used to set fire to all the colognes he used to get for Christmas
  45. His ears
  46. How he can touch my broken computer and make it all better again
  47. How he explains computer stuff to me in a way I understand
  48. How he gets along so well with my little brother Simon and makes him feel at home
  49. His occasional morbidness
  50. How internet savvy he is even if he doesn’t think so
  51. How sometimes he can be an ass but he’s still cute when he’s doing it
  52. How he never lets my “confusion mind ray” deter him from loving me
  53. That he’s actually taller than he looks because of how he stands
  54. How he took three years of Spanish and remembers enough to answer some questions I have about it
  55. His massages
  56. How he’s not a religious kook bent on getting me to believe in a god
  57. His rules of logic
  58. His sporadic cleaning sprees
  59. His omelettes
  60. The way he studies for tests while in the tub
  61. How he randomly quotes cartoons at me
  62. How cuddly he is
  63. How his taste in movies is really close to mine
  64. His love for Kevin Smith movies
  65. His random recipes like spaghetti and scrambled eggs
  66. All the romantic things he says like, “You’s a silly-headed wooman”
  67. His snoring
  68. How he’ll try my 70 types of tea even if he’s not much of a tea drinker
  69. His lack of fear of ladders
  70. His family is awesome and makes me feel welcome
  71. How he says he can’t paint but ends up actually doing fairly well
  72. How he makes me laugh
  73. His hugs
  74. How he does dishes even though he hates it only because he knows I hate it more
  75. How he’s always flipping me off
  76. His eclectic taste in music
  77. How he randomly attacks people and body slams them
  78. How he wrinkles his nose at me
  79. How he rides the elliptical like he’s trying to break a record…or the bike
  80. How he’s indifferent to the ocean too and doesn’t want to live next to one either
  81. How he hops around when he’s hyper
  82. How he blows kisses at me from all over the house
  83. How he can fall asleep anywhere
  84. His art
  85. That he loves my family and gets along with them
  86. His love for Mello Yello
  87. How he encourages me to experiment with cooking
  88. How he pops my back
  89. How we fit together like puzzle pieces when we’re next to each other
  90. All the cute faces he makes
  91. How his DnD characters are mostly average but have their moments of glory
  92. His innocent smiles when I know better
  93. His nocturnal lifestyle
  94. That he doesn’t drink alcohol and sticks to that conviction
  95. How cute he is when he torments me
  96. How he plays with Kitty
  97. How he reminds me to do my homework or grade papers
  98. That he lets me ramble on about work even when he doesn’t know those people
  99. Playing EQ with him
  100. The fact that he has been mine for nine years and will be mine for the rest of our lives

7 thoughts on “Happy anniversary!

  1. saegiru

    Time flies…:

    Awesome! I remember when you guys weren't yet dating and I noticed the sparks that you both hadn't acknowledged yet… I just knew that something would come of it, and I don't think I have ever known two people that were so made for each other! 🙂

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