
I use my keyboard a lot. I don’t just mean for typing up poems or homework or editing my book. I use it for all those spiffy little shortcut commands like Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V and the function keys and especially the delete button. I like to use the number pad a lot, and I’m a huge fan of just using the backspace key to go back in webpages. Opera has this little feature where pressing Ctrl+Space shoots you back to your homepage, whatever that may be. That’s all neat and dandy most of the time except when I’m working in the Rantfest back pages editing a rant or page, doing a lot of Ctrl+C-ing and Ctrl+V-ing, fixing tables or just adding lots of new information from other sources. Those Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcuts are damned close to Opera’s Ctrl+Space though, aren’t they? FUCKING HELL YES THEY’RE DAMNED CLOSE! I just spent a goddamned half hour working on my Writings page to put up four new book excerpts and to rearrange the columns to give me space for future novel expansions, only to have it all gone in an instant when a Ctrl+V accidentally slipped into a Ctrl+Space. There is no using the backbutton for that because as far as Opera is concerned, I was already on the same page. @#$%^&* computer @#$%^&* piece of @#$%^&*?! To say the least, I’m annoyed and after posting this, I’m leaving this @#$%^&* machine to go read a book or something. I can’t accidentally go back in a book without being able to find my place again.

6 thoughts on “@#$%^&*?!

  1. Erandomandethius

    All righty:

    The excerpts from Book 5 (The Nightmare Passages) are now corrected so that they display correctly and are legible. I'll have to get a better explanation for them up somewhere else sometime later.

  2. Erandomandethius


    And just when was anyone going to tell me that my little sis has mono?! I just found out from some random person here on campus. Dippy, now your comment makes SO much more sense. Thpppbbt.

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