40 teas

It’s official: I’m a tea feind. Yesterday evening while taking a break from DnD, I came up from the basement to fix a mug of tea. I started pulling various types of tea out of the cupboard over the stove, trying to decide what I was in the mood for while also taking into consideration the methods of making tea that I had at my disposal. I finally settled on a second-flush darjeeling from Adagio and put the dried leaves into my spoon infuser which I got from Sarah’s Christmas gift of La Manufacture de Thé. After having pulled out most all of my types of tea, I decided to get them all out and write down a list of them all which is what I did this morning. Forty different types of tea. Forty. I have twenty-three in sachets and seventeen varieties of loose leaf. As accessories, I have two ceramic teapots, a mesh ball infuser, a spoon infuser, and an IngenuiTea infuser/pot. I’m not going to get into how many mugs and teacups we have here either because there are about as many mugs still packed in boxes as we have in the cupboard. So I’m beginning to think that I’m something of a tea feind, obsessed and driven by the slightly bitter caffeine and warm amber glow of my many teas. Want to see a list of what I have in my cabinet? You’ll find it here. Mind you, I didn’t buy a number of these (namely the Celestial Seasonings) so I don’t regularly seek out and drink a bunch of them, but for the most part, this is pretty indicative of my drinking habits. Well, I gotta go. It’s tea time.

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