Early poem

I really need to keep a pad of paper tacked to the wall near the bed so I can reach it easily while I’m lying there trying to fall asleep and instead keep coming up with great ideas for my novels or for poems. I woke up this morning around four and went to the bathroom, figuring that that was what was waking me up. I just switched out the blue and pink towels for white and green ones, and while half-conscious without my glasses and therefore very blurry-eyed, I decided that the white one looked like a dry erase board. When I went back to bed, I couldn’t get the image out of my head or the idea of kids rubbing dirt all over it making it look like it had been drawn on. So I got up and rifled through some stuff in the alcove to come up with a piece of paper and a pen. What came of it is Towel Art. This short poem will probably go through some revisions eventually, but I wanted to get it up and out of my mind so I can move onto other things…like my thesis. At any rate, enjoy and I’ll be back later with some other attempt to distract myself from real work.

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