Easily distracted

Well, while I’ve had many things to post about, I have been too distracted by the many things going on to remember to post. I actually tried to post back on Thursday, but my phone is acting up and refused to send the picture and message. I was going to send a picture of a lot of little Valentine hearts I’d crocheted and mention I had a whopping fourteen people at the crochet class that night, but my phone has been acting up so that was a no-go. I’m off work all weekend as well as Monday (President’s Day) and Tuesday (my usual day off), so I have four days off in a row. Kind of crazy. How have I been spending this time? Not well, I can assure you. 🙂

I did, however, do something productive (or at least more productive) last night. I cooked! Amazing, I know. I made some tartines for me and the husband. Basically, think American French bread (’cause nowhere here in the States have I run into true French bread, only Americanized versions of it) that’s sliced lengthwise to make flat surfaces to put whatever random toppings you like then bake it. I brushed the top of the bread with melted butter then sprinkled it with basil. Then I laid slices of ham on top of that, put slices of Brie (I can never find Camembert around here, which I prefer to Brie though Brie is nice) on that and then put sliced tomatoes on top of that. I sprinkled the whole thing with oregano, parsely, ground black pepper, and then I drizzled it with some olive oil. Into a very hot oven for just over ten minutes or so and voilà! Instant tartines. They were pretty good, if I do say so myself. I’m planning on making spaetzle Monday.

Aside from my little cooking adventure, I’ve been spending my time playing World of Warcraft to complete all their Valentine’s Day seasonal quests. I’ve done them not only on my character but on Ian’s character because he doesn’t tend to have the patience or desire to spend so much time mindlessly running around getting things for pointless quests. Me? I have no problem wasting a few brains cells grinding quests like that because I’ve got Star Trek on the TV to keep my brain occupied. Hooray for Star Trek!

At any rate, I ought to try and upload the pictures of the hearts and tartines to the webpage, but right now I’m practicing knitting. I have a lot of problems knitting. I think the major problems are the needles, yarn, and my hands. That being said, I’m practicing the knit stitch right now just to see if I can keep it from increasing like it somehow always does. I have yet to make anything other than boring little squares so far, but until I can weed out these bizarre mistakes, I don’t feel like it’s a good idea to try much more complicated things. So it’s Star Trek and knitting for me for a while. Have a great weekend!

One thought on “Easily distracted

  1. auntie 502

    crochet and food:

    I'm looking forward to the pics of your Valentine hearts. Have you tried any more new receipes? I went a little crazy with new crock pot receipes recently, but I'm not been too creative lately. Besides, a crock pot makes alot for two people!

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