Getting close now

I’ve been working off and on on the Zombie Cookbook, adding a recipe now and then, doing some editing once in a while, and occasionally doodling a graphic or two. Today being a patch day for WoW and my day off, I decided to try and add some more recipes and work more intently upon the formatting. There are still about fifteen recipes that I need to type up including “Sheep’s Head Jam” and “Squirrel Brain Stew,” but despite that I have an impressive number of recipes already. Including the ones I need to type up, I have 46 recipes to cook brains. Technically, I found more, but many were just variations on the same themes, so I included one and offer suggestions for experimentation on the part of my zombie cooks. I’m up to 118 pages because I’m going to put one recips per page (many are two-pages long anyway and would require that much space). My index is up-to-date and includes not only the recipes in alphabetical order but also by ethnicity. Some of the more unique cultures include: Icelandic, Indonesian, Jewish, and Persian. I really need to spend some time looking up Lebanese and Greek recipse in addition to somre more South American and Asian dishes. I’ve got seven recipes under the category for North America alone. The final chapter before the index is a list of suggested movies to watch while eating these brain recipes. I’ve included all the zombie movies we own plus some others that I’ve seen. I know there’s a webpage out there with a list of lots of zombie movies, but I really want to include only those I’ve watched or that are recommended to me by friends and family. And don’t worry, that crazy Italian movie where a zombie wrestles a shark is most definitely on the list.

All this typing is beginning to spark my interst in writing again, and I may actually get back to my novels sometime soon. After all, I’m only about five or six chapters away from finishing my third novel and my first novel is completely finished save for typing it on the computer. Novel number two is still suffering from writer’s block, but I could see getting back to it before too long. I think it’s the change in the weather that’s doing it. I associate spring with my most fervent bursts of writing. I started my first novel in March of 2002, after all. Damn, has it really been that long? It saddens me to know that it isn’t even typed up yet! Oh well. The important thing is that I’m interested in picking my books back up and might even get back to work on the French workbook I started last year. If the weather holds (which it likely won’t), I can get back out on the porch and enjoy the fresh air while working on my books. For right now, it’s zombie recipes. I can’t wait until this project is finished. I’m really excited about showing people how insane I am in print. Well, as if my Master’s thesis on French invective suffixes wasn’t crazy enough…

One thought on “Getting close now

  1. auntie 502

    zombie book:

    Nobody's going to think that you're insane when you start making money off of your books!! One of the best books I've read recently is called "Stiff" by Mary Roach. It's a serious book about what happens to bodies donated by people to science after they die. Of course, some of it is, by nature, funny! It is thoroughly fascinating. (Now who's weird? 🙂 )

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