Mobile Rant: 2009-02-20



These tartines are an advanced step in my on-going experiment with baking. The first tartines I made were simply American Italian bread sliced in half with Brie, tomatoe slices, and olive oil plus some seasoning. These are made on quartered American French bread which I brushed first with melted butter, sprinkled with basil then layered with sliced ham, Brie, and tomatoes then drizzled with olive oil and some more spices. I think my next test will be with turkey and spinach… If I can find spinach in this crazy town!

4 thoughts on “Mobile Rant: 2009-02-20

  1. Dad


    Was the mobile post the test or the food the test. The food looks good. I would guess that was a successful test.

  2. Erando

    Bit of both:

    Our phones have been screwy for the past week or so, and Ian was on tech support for quite a while last night trying to sort it all out. He used my phone to test sending images in text messages, which is where the problem was. It seems that he got it fixed on my line at least.

  3. Erando


    I did have to make more. I crocheted several during class while they were working on putting edging on the afghan squares. They're little and easy to make, so it wasn't a big deal. 🙂

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