Category Archives: Info

I don’t want to write a study guide right now!

In lieu of writing up a study guide for my class right now, I think I’ll post one of those questionnaire sorts of things that was on Katie’s page. I figure that with students popping in and out of here like those little gophers you’re supposed to hit with a foam mallet, I won’t get very far on the study guide anyway. Heather went home because she’s not feeling well, and I say that a horrible sunburn Continue reading

Pet Peeve #1

Public toilets are irritating enough, but public toilets that have sensors which cause them to flush automatically really get my goat. First off, they have the tendancy to flush while I’m sitting there. Sometimes that’s not too irritating, but there are toilets out there whose water pressure is so screwy that they splash water all over the place, especially my bum. There are a couple restrooms Continue reading

I got tagged

Puma Rumor’s got a “list what music you’re into” sort of thing on her blog, and she tagged me, so let’s see what sort of list I can come up with since it has been a long time since I’ve actively gone out and looked for music. This should be a pretty boring list, hehe. Hmm, I think I’m supposed to stick some instructions or something in here, so here they are: “List seven songs you are into right Continue reading

40 teas

It’s official: I’m a tea feind. Yesterday evening while taking a break from DnD, I came up from the basement to fix a mug of tea. I started pulling various types of tea out of the cupboard over the stove, trying to decide what I was in the mood for while also taking into consideration the methods of making tea that I had at my disposal. I finally settled on a second-flush darjeeling from Adagio Continue reading

100 things

Being unable to think of anything else to post but wanting to post something, I decided to go through my old files on the server from the old page to see what sorts of crap I had there and what crap I could put back up here. I came across my list of “100 things” about me. Now I’m updating it because a few things are out of date or have changed since then. Most of you already know Continue reading