Category Archives: Genealogy

28 1/2 pages

I’ve been working on an index for the huge binder that Katie lent me a while back which contains the genealogy of the Ringwald, Thinnes, Nolan, and Donnelly families. The binder is 302 pages long with vital records, photographs, and photocopies from books and newspapers. I’ve shown it to several local genealogists, and they are all highly impressed with the sheer depth and breadth of Continue reading

I’ve found Simon

Well, technically, I didn’t find Simon; the genealogist at the library found Simon. She found Simon in one of the books in the genealogy room at the Jasper Public Library, listed as Joseph and Mary’s (spelled Maria) infant son. No, I’m not talking about my little brother (who’s hardly little at six feet tall) but Simon Ringwald who came over from Germany in 1843. Neat, huh? I meant to Continue reading