Typing typing typing

I just finished typing up the contents of the first notebook for my second novel, Two’s Company, Twenty-five’s an Army. It’s in three notebooks, one of which is only half full. It’s a total of 480 pages, though those pages aren’t the full-sized notebook page of 8 1/2″ by 11″. These are more like 5″ by 8″. Small pages. So there are 192 pages per notebook, and with the first one typed up, I now have 115 pages typed on the computer using the page size that I’ll use for the novel once it’s ready to be published. Speaking of publication, if I can get my book typed and edited by March 16, I can get a free proof copy from Lulu.com where I get my books published. I don’t know that I can get the other two notebooks typed up by March 16 let alone edit the entire mess by then (plus then there’s the matter of adding quotes to each chapter, something that usually takes me a couple days), but it’s a thought. Had I known Lulu was having this deal earlier (they started it February 16), I might have tried harder to get the novel typed up. Of course, I had only just finished writing it February 14, but you know. I’m easily distracted.

At any rate, I think I’ll take a break and play WoW for a bit just to do something different. I wonder how long it’ll take me to type up the second notebook if I work on it more consistently than I did the first. I think it also depends upon just how much caffeine I consume and how much my sinuses hinder me from doing much beyond coughing, blowing my nose, and grumbling about headaches. I’ll try to keep you posted.