A fair amount of writing

I’d say I’ve gotten a fair amount of writing done this weekend. I wrote about eight pages Thursday, nineteen Friday, another ten or eleven yesterday, and so far today I’ve written about five and the day’s still young. Another twenty-five pages and I’ll fill up the notebook I’m currently working in and will have to start another. Yippee! I’m taking a brief break from the book right now because I’m doing research on the differences between catapults, ballistas, and trebuchets. Several of the characters are going to get into an argument about it. Since the current novel is more or less about an army attacking, I’ve mentally been dividing the book up in my head based on the time before the arrival of the army, during the battles, and then after the winner of the war has been decided. Currently, I’m still in the middle third, and out of that middle third, I’d say I’m in the last portion of the battle, probably about the last quarter or so of it. I’m looking forward to ending the war soon because I already have a lot of notes for what happens after the war, so the final third of the book will be far easier to write. Mathematically speaking, the final section of the book doesn’t make up an entire third of the novel; it’s more like a sixth of the book, but since I mentally divide up the story into three overarching parts, I still refer to it as a “third” despite it fractionally being far less than that. It might even be only a tenth of the novel or so. Won’t know that for certain until the whole thing is written up, and the whole thing won’t be written up if I sit around contemplating the proportions of the page count rather than coming up with new content. Have I mentioned that I’m a dork? Dunno that I need to at this point.

So I’m going to head back into the other room and work on finishing up the war so that when Rook wakes up, I can help him with his phonetics and phonology homework. Linguistics rocks. It’d be awesome if I could sway Rook to the dark side and convince him to study ESL or a foreign language as his major, maybe even convince him to go into a field like psycholinguistics or cognitive linguistics. There needs to be more linguists running around. 🙂

Yeah, see, I’m rambling and writing a lot here when I need to be working on the book. Time for tea, a dicitonary, and my fountain pen. Have a good Sunday!

One thought on “A fair amount of writing

  1. Rook

    Join The Dark Side?:

    A part of me is thinking about it.

    About your siege weapons… What idiot mixes up a ballista with a catapult! A catapult and trebuchet, maybe. But it doesn't work to well with any of the other combinations. I just have played Age of Empires too long I guess.

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