Strange hobbies

Soon at the library, we’ll be hiring three new pages. One of those positions will be the position I’m vacating come May when I become full-time. I was thinking about how long it’ll take to train them and how their training might go more smoothly if they had some handy reference cheat-sheets to carry around so that they will feel more confident about their new jobs. Therefore, as librarianship has been a hobby of mine, I wrote up a one-sheet instructional guide how to alphabetize books, CDs, magazines, and DVDs. 😀 I’m lame, I know. What most people don’t understand or know is that there’s more than one way to alphabetize a collection. In most public libraries, there are three different categories by which materials are organized: author, title, and call number (such as Dewey Decimal). That means three different systems to learn, and while each plays off the others, it’s still a daunting task for someone who has never actually tried to alphabetize a large collection. After all, questions such as how to handle spaces, punctuation, and numbers are important to answer. In this light, I wrote a guide. 🙂 I don’t know that it’ll be used or if anyone cares, but since I’ve got the day off, I figured I have to time to waste.

After this post, I’ll probably go back to typing up notes for a new book idea I’ve got (still fiction, but not fantasy-based like my Solennelle & O series). I might type up a synopsis of it on the page at some point, but I can’t see it as being anything that could ever really become popular. Fringe, I guess is a good way of describing it though there’s nothing new about the basic themes of trying to fit in and trying to find romance. Ew, it’s kind of a romance. That thought hadn’t occurred to me. I don’t tend to go for romances. Well, then again, the fantasy series is partly about romance, so I guess it just sort of happens. Regardless, it’s time to think about eating food and putting in another disc of the X-files. I still have another chapter and a half to write before finishing Book Three. It’s been a busy week! Have a great afternoon!

4 thoughts on “Strange hobbies

  1. auntie 502


    I don't think you're being "lame" at all. I think that you're being very considerate of those you are taking over your job behind you! I've done the same with my jobs or volunteer positions. (I've always hated being thrown into something and being expected to "figure it out." What a waste of time and money! Keep up the good work! 😉

  2. auntie 502


    Oops…I meant "who are taking over…" That's what I get for not proofreading before sending on my comment!

  3. Erando

    I hope the pages find it useful at any rate. :):

    And I doubt I'll be the one training the pages, unfortunately. After all, I have a lot of experience as both a page and as an educator. People often find my explanations to be quite reasonable, when I'm not hyped up on caffeine or sugar. 😉

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