Rook, the Editor

Since Rook has been up at our place all week to spend his spring break enjoying high speed internet, he has been here since I got my copy of Two Minds Are Better Than One. Not long after opening the package and marveling at the wonder of having my own book in my hands (not like the thesis which was homework before it was a book), Rook grabbed the novel and started reading. I’ve been interested in hearing what he finds amusing and his comments on the characters. More than that, I’ve been thrilled to have someone else finally read the book and find my egregious typos and errors. So far, he has found almost a half dozen, and each time he finds some, I update the document on my machine then upload it to Lulu as a new revision. So far, I’m up to revision 4. He’s nearly done with the book, so I don’t think there’ll be many more revisions, though the last part of the book was written back in 2007 and didn’t get edited until I typed it up this past March. For all I know, that may be the buggiest part of the novel. Still, I’m glad that I’m not the only person now who has read it.

And yes, Dad, who I’m sure is thinking, “Hey, we bought a copy when it was first published, so ours is full of errors,” you have a marred edition and one of only two copies like that. Whether this makes it special or defective is, I guess, up to you. 🙂 All subsequent copies will have those errors corrected. Hooray for Simon the editor!

6 thoughts on “Rook, the Editor

  1. Erando


    I've thought about making it an eBook, but I also know how easy it is for PDF files to spread. Then again, how many people are actually going to find the book to look at it anyway except for those I've told that it even exists? I dunno. I'll think about it, but I haven't decided about a digital copy yet. I guess I just don't know how much interest there would be in a digital form. Personally, I'd rather have the paper in my hand.

  2. Dad

    First Edition:

    Do the other revisions have first edition listed? Maybe after all the revisions are made, we will get the hard back copy. Still have to get it autographed.

    Love, Dad

  3. Erando


    It's still a first edition. Additional editions would require drastic changes such as a different cover, drastically altered content, or a change in the size or shape of the book. Just changing a few typos here and there doesn't really constitute a new edition. Therefore, until or unless I change the cover or size of the book, it's still a first edition, just a less error-ridden one. 😉

  4. saegiru

    By the way:

    I posted your Zombie Cookbook on Digg, Reddit, and Stumbleupon… let me know if you get any sales out of it. 🙂

  5. Erando


    So far, nothing, but that doesn't mean much. I figure a lot of people would look at it as a novelty but not anything they'd actually buy. Still, thanks for the effort. 🙂

    On a side note, the hit counter went from about 12 just a couple days ago to 483. That's a lot of views!

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