
Well, despite some disappointing and unfruitful beginning searches, I now have a fair number of brain recipes for my cookbook. I have even discovered that there is a restaurant in Evansville that has quite a number of brain recipes on the menu. I was beginning to despair that I wouldn’t have enough recipes to make a decent-sized book, but through a lot of internet digging and cookbook mining, I think I already have a good start. Push come to shove, I can start picking up sweetbread recipes and substituting the sweetbreads with brains. Sweetbreads, by the way, for those who do not already know what they are, have nothing to do with bread nor are they sweet. They are as often misunderstood as a food item as headcheese, which has nothing to do with cheese but a lot to do with heads–specifically hog’s head.

Anyway, now that I’m on my last movie of my Star Trek marathon, I’m going to spend some more time digging up recipes then I think I’ll come up with another marathon while I type them up. After that, I need to sit down with a sketch pad and pencil and draw my illustrations. These won’t be about food; I’m drawing zombies in various activities. To say the least, I’m having more fun with this than is logical or sane. 🙂 At any rate, here’s to more searching!

One thought on “Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains

  1. Dad

    Rook says:

    that Alton Brown visited that restaurant in Evansville. Good luck with your brains.

    Love, Dad

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