Chapter 16

I suppose that the break I took yesterday from seriously working on the novels did my arms a lot of good. I started typing up chapter sixteen today and finished it just now. So here is chapter sixteen for your consideration. I’m debating about going ahead and typing up chapter seventeen too. After all, I’m not tired yet, and my limbs seem to be functioning just fine. My left shoulder, however, is another matter, but then again, it always is. It’s at that “feels tight and periodically shoots pain around” point but hasn’t yet gotten to where the pain encompasses the entire shoulder. Once it gets to that point, it’s only a short matter of time before it starts going numb and is relatively useless. Maybe I’ll type until it gets to the second stage. Maybe I’ll go dig up some Bengay while I’m at it, lol. It’s too bad it’s a pinched nerve and that there’s nothing I can really do for it (short of having surgery). Luckily, I’m really good at ignoring pain. I think it’s time to type up another chapter and ignore pain! Hooray! We’ll have a mini-marathon. I just hope I don’t give myself a massive case of carpal tunnel syndrome prior to NaNoWriMo starting, heh. Off I go!