
Woo! Got lots to update about. First off, I finally got some Halloween toys up on Etsy. In about three days, I managed to make ten jack-o-lantern balls. Kind of a crazy amount, but they really don’t take all that long, and since it’s not like I have much else to do beyond laundry and (supposed to be) cleaning. I think that most of the pictures turned out pretty decent. Here’s one of the cute pictures for you so you don’t have to wander over to Etsy:

Basket of jack-o-lantern toys

Cute, eh? Yup. At any rate, that’s kind of cool news. The cool news is that I have an interview tomorrow for a job as office assistant! Whee! I had applied on-line and taken a lot of on-line tests and this morning while the husband and I were both very unconscious, I got a phone call from them. The voice message they left (because we were both too groggy to answer the phone) said the position was for a receptionist, but when I called back she corrected herself and said office assistant, which could kind of mean just about anything office-related. I did quite a bit of random office work when I was an advisor at SASC at ISU, so I think I can do this. Whee! I’m not expecting it to go great, but then I’m also not expecting it to be a disaster either. The only office-related thing I never quite got the hang of was the phone. My phone had way too many buttons, and suposedly they were for putting people on hold or transfering them, but I never did figure out how that worked. Maybe it’s good it’s not a receptionist position, lol.

In other unrelated-to-the-latter-point-but-related-to-the-former news, I figured out how to crochet a tomato pincushion. I’ll have to take pictures of it at some point. For right now with the crocheting, I’ve started making eyeballs, but a few searches of Etsy showed that there are quite a number of crocheted eyes (some of them quite hideous), so I’ll probably switch to spiders (didn’t see very many that were at all similar to the type I make) and then bats (only saw one vaguely similar to the type I make) since those appear to be more open markets. At some point I’d also like to develop a cat. Just the head with ears, not the whole feline. Now that I’m pretty excited about the job interview tomorrow afternoon, I think that I’ll use that energy to crochet until the yarn finally finishes slicing off my left index finger. (I’ll have to take a picture of the deep groove left in my finger after a crocheting marathon. It’s odd, and it’s becoming permanent.)

And on a totally unrelated-to-anything-said-above note, my arms broke out in hives yet again Saturday afternoon and have all but cleared up. I can still feel where they were when I lightly rub my arms, but the redness has gone away. I have determined that since my hives seem to be stress/nervousness/annoyance related, that my arms are kind of like mood rings! You can just look at my arms to tell if I’m agitated or anxious. No need to ask, just check for blotchy red upraised skin! My own personal mood ring! When I discovered this and told Ian, he pretty much just shook his head at me and sighed. Sometimes I think he thinks I’m crazy.

So, there’s the news update for stuff that happened over the weekend (and today). I’m gonna start making spiders now and maybe get back to watching The Tick cartoon or maybe popping in The Hunt for Red October. Shouldn’t that be Oktober? Or maybe it shouldn’t because then the word “red” would also have to be Russian, and I don’t know what that is. I wanna bet it starts with the letter R though. Red, rouge, rot, rojo, etc. Seems to be a theme in the Indo-European branch of languages, though Russian may have gotten it from the Uralic branch (though I highly doubt that since what we consider to be standard Russian is I-E)… At any rate!! I need to go make spiders. Later!

4 thoughts on “News!

  1. auntie 502


    "The Hunt for Red October" is one of your Uncle Dixon's all time favorite movies!! Good luck with your interview tomorrow. What time is it? You'll do great; keep thinking positively!! 🙂

  2. Erando

    I like the part when the sub lunges out of the water. :):

    It's at 1:30. If this works out, I might have to go back to a "regular" sleep schedule though. I rather like the sleep schedule I have now because I go to bed when I'm actually tired so I sleep better. When I force myself to a schedule, I get hit with insomnia pretty easily.

    If I get this, I wonder what it might also mean for my crocheting, lol.

  3. saegiru

    Those things rule.:

    They look so darned happy! You would think having a mouth and eyes crocheted on you would hurt more than that. Also, grats on the interview, and good luck!

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