Caffeine versus water

I’ve been trying to drink less soda (though I love the taste of Mello Yello so much!) mostly because I have so many problems with heartburn, and caffeine and sugar both contribute to heartburn problems, not to mention all the acids in the soda. So less soda. I made an attempt at brewing mint tea then icing it, thinking it might work as a replacement for a cold drink (it’s hot sitting out on the porch in the sun), but while it wasn’t totally disgusting, it wasn’t really good either. What I have been drinking a lot more of is water. A lot of water. I mean, I didn’t even drink this much soda. I’m probably drinking about two glasses of water for every soda I used to drink. I’m just curious as to whether there’s a logical reason why I’m drinking so much more water than I’d’ve been drinking soda. The only logical thing I can think of is that the sugar and high fructose corn syrup cause more of a feeling of fullness (i.e., my stomach thinks it’s done being thirsty), which is logical ’cause there’s actual something in there besides liquid. Neh, dunno. I just know I’ve been drinking a lot of water, which isn’t bad, but I’ve just been drinking so much of it. Crazy. At least I know it’s healthy. 🙂