
After much confusion and debate, Ian and I decided that this is our wedding anniversary. How we keep forgetting, who knows. Oh wait! I know: this was an arbitrary date we picked for an arbitrary ceremony so the government would recognize us as a couple. Cynical much? Yeah. At any rate, this would be our… Seventh? No, sixth wedding anniversary. That sounds right. I think. At any rate, we’re probably not going to do much about it, though we might go out to eat tomorrow when he’s off work. We’ll be more excited when our real anniversary pops up in May. I could tell you that date forward and backward and in multipile languages. At any rate, I’m groggy as hell ’cause I’m not usually up at this time, but the cat was driving me bonkers last night waking me up constantly ’cause she wants to go outside. I’m not letting her out for another hour or so. She was rotten, so she has to wait. I need caffeine.

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